The Snavely Ring Home Page

This is the Home Page for the Snavely Web Ring. This is a Ring for web pages of people who are in some way connected to the surname SNAVELY (or any of its variants). Many of these pages will contain genealogical information as we work to build the family tree dating back to emigration from Switzerland to America in the 1700's. The ring enables all of us SNAVELYs on the Web to connect to each other and to share information.

What is a Ring??

Essentially, a ring is a way to look at a number of related websites. By clicking on the ring, you move from one to the other until you return to the first. For more information on rings, see the Webring Home Page.

How Do I Join The Snavely Ring?

Submit your site to the Snavely Ring queue below, and if it is the home page of someone named Snavely or otherwise obviously connected to our extended family of Snavelys, I will notify you of your initial acceptance.

NOTE: If you have difficulty, please try again later. The Webring server has just been upgraded and moved to a new location and they are still working on the bugs. Thanks!

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Submit your site to the Snavely Ring Queue by using the form below: (before you submit it, remember to write down the password you create. Also, after you submit it, you will be given a site ID number. Write this down also. After submitting the form, you can press BACK to continue the steps if necessary).
  2. After you receive initial acceptance by e-mail, you have FIVE days to make the necessary changes to your page to link to the ring (which will be explained in the acceptance e-mail).
  3. Then e-mail me and proclaim that "MY SITE IS READY TO BE PART OF THE SNAVELY RING!!!" Send your site ID and URL. If you have put the information into your page and everything checks out, you will be sent another e-mail message indicating that you have been added to the Web's latest and greatest ring, the Snavely Ring!

Site URL: E-mail:

Site Title: Password:

If you have comments or suggestions, email me

Snavely Ring
Snavely Ring

This is an official site in the Snavely Ring.
Link to other home pages of SNAVELYs on the Ring. This site is owned by Bill Snavely of Oxford, Ohio.

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