Will of Benjamin Timberlake of Hanover County, Virginia - Sept. 13, 1816

"In the name of God Amen. I, Benjamin Timberlake of Hanover County do make my Will as follows to wit, I lend to my wife during her life the land and plantation and appurtenances whereon I life & then the land and plantation and appurtenances which I bought of Hix I also lend to her my negroes Dick, Barnet, Bob, Judy, Frank, Alby, Kate, Liddy, Lily, Louisa, Bowling, Richard and William, my household & kitchen furniture except what is herein after given to my children. My Kitchen furniture- all my stock of every kind & my plantation tools. I desire that my un-married children remain with my wife until they respectively marry; and be supported, and such of them as require it be educated out of the estate lent my said wife. The property heretofore given to my daughter Lucy Green, to wit Absolom and Sal, a horse and saddle and bed and furniture is hereby confirmed to her forever. The property heretofore given to my daughter Patsey Gentry to wit Matilda and Winny, one hundred dollars and a bed and furniture is hereby confirmed to her forever. I give to my daughter Ann my negroes Kit and Sisley forever. I give to my daughter Mary my negroes Harry and Sharlott forever. I give to my daughter Frances Caroline my negroes Gabriel and Lisa forever. I give to my daughter Harriot my negroes Ransum and Manda forever. I give to my daughter Emmela my negroes George Shadrick & Haley forever. I give to my daughter Eliza Jane my negroes Marshall and Malrina forever. I give to my daughter Hardenia my negroes Lewis and Dilsey forever. I give to each of my daughters: Ann, Mary, Frances Caroline, Harriot, Emmoly, Eliza Jane, and Hardenia a Bed and furniture as they respectively marry or come of age. I also give to my last named daughters one hundred dollares each. I give to my wife all the money that is or may be due me. I also give to my wife my negro woman Jinney forever. My land adjoining Genl. White and others I wish to be sold and the money arising therefrom to be equally divided among all my children. The estate lent my wife except the land I desire at her death may be sold and the money arising therefrom equally divided among all my children. The land and appurtenances lent my wife I desire may be reserved and kept as a home for my daughters so long as any of them shall be unmarried, if any of them shall be unmarried at my wife's death, and at my wife's death and when all my daughters shall have been married, I desire that the lands and plantation and appurtenances thus lent and reserved to my said wife and children be sold and the money arising therefrom equally divided among all my children. I appoint my wife Extx and Henry D. Gentry Exr of this Will. Witness my hand and Seal this 13th day of Sept. 1816."

Benjn Timberlake (Seal)

Executed in presence of
Thos. R. Green
Thos. Oliver
George R. Smith

At a Court of Quarterly session held for Hanover County at the Courthouse on Wednesday the 25th of October 1820. The last Will and Testament of Benjamin Timberlake dec'd was proved by the oath of Thomas Oliver one of the witnesses thereto. And at a court of Monthly session held for the said County at the Courthouse on Wednesday the 27th of December next following, the said Will was offered for further proof by Henry D. Gentry the Executor therein named, and was further proved by the oath of Thomas F. Green another of the witnesses thereto and also by the oath of the said Executor and is ordered to be recorded.

Teste, William Pollard, C.H.C.
A Copy, Teste, Philip B. Winston, C.H.C

Revised: November 20, 1997

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