Will of Francis Timberlake of Hanover County, Virginia - Feb. 14, 1807

" In the name of God Amen. I, Francis Timberlake of Hanover of Sound and pefect mind and memory do constiture this writing to be my last will and Testament. Item. I give to my beloved wife Sarah Timberlake during her natural life the tract of land whereon I now live and five negroes to wit: Harry, robin, Watt, Dorcas and Tamer also three feather beds and furniture and all the balance of my furniture except beds to be hereafter mentioned, together with the plantation utensils of every kind and the crops of every kind that may be on hand or growing at my decease also my stock of every kind except one bay mare. Item. I give and gequeath unto my son Marry Timberlake negro man Ned and one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever. I give to my son Francis Timberlake and his heirs forever one negro man Shadrack, on bed and furniture which he hath already received. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Reuben Timberlake, and his heirs forever, one negro man Abram and one feather bed and furniture. Item. I give and gequeath to my son nathan Timberlake and his heirs forever one negro man, young Cull, and one feather bed and furniture which he hath already recieved. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Billey Timberlake and his heirs forever one negro woman Rachel and her futer increase and sixty pounds in specie to be raised out of my estate in two years also one feather bed and furniture. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Granville Timberlake and his heirs forever one negro man Phill and one feather bed and furniture. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Laney Timberlake and his heirs forever two negro boys Sawney and Jasper also one feather bed and furniture. Item. I give and bequeath to my son John B. Timberlake and his heirs forever two negroes Charles and Winney with her future increase also one feather bed and furniture. Item. Igive and bequeath to my daughter Polly Whitlock and her heirs forever two negroes Aggy and Hannah with their futer increase also one feather bed and furniture which she hath already recieved. Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sally Ann Sims Timberlake and her heirs forever four slaves with their futer increase, viz: Jane and her two children Milly and Sealy and a Girl named Grace, also one feather bed and furniture. It is my desire that my executors hereafter to be named, shall hire out the following slaves, viz - Roger, Salley and Phillis and apply the money arising therefrom to the education of my youngest son and in case any allotment now made to either of my Children should die before they are in possession of the same the value of such loss shall be made up by my executors out of my estate, the land whereon I now live I leave to my youngest daughter while unmarried and my youngest son untille, he shall arrive to the age of twenty one years (as a home) after which period my wish and desir is that the land I now live on may be divided into six lots, and my land in Halifax County into two lots which said lands I give to my eight sons to be divided by disintrusted persons. I do appoint my beloved wife Sarah Timberlake admr. my sons Matty, Francis, Reuben, Nathan and Billey Timberlake, Executors to this my last will and Testament. Witness me hand and seal this 14th day of February 1807."

Francis Timberlake (Seal)

Signed and sealed in presence of
John Bowe
J.W. Ellis
wm. Tyler

At a Court of Monthly Session held for Hanover County at the Courthouse on Wednesday the 26th of Sept. 1808. This last will and Testament of Francis Timberlake deceased was offered for proof by Sarah Timberlake the executrix therein named and was proved by the oaths of John Bowe, J.W. Ellis and William Tyler the witnesses thereto and also by the oath of the Executrix and is ordered to be recorded.

Teste, William Pollard, C.H.C.
A Copy, teste, Philip B. Winston, C.H.C.

Revised: November 20, 1997

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Thanks to Floyd & Dianne Sadler for transcribing this will.