Northumberland County, Virginia, 1762

In the name of God, Amen. I, Francis Timberlake of the Co. of Northumberland being in perfect sense and memory of mind Prais'd be God, but Calling to mind the uncertainty of this my last will and testament in manner and form following Imp.
I give and bequeath my Soule to almighty God that gave it to me in full and certain hopes of pardon & Remission for all my sins in and through the merits of my Dear Lord & Blessed Savior Jesus Christ, and my body to the earth to be buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named and for what worldly goods it hath pleased God to bless me with.

I give as followeth viz:

Itm: I give unto my son Ephaphroditus Timberlake the Horse Bridle and Saddle which he has already Recd. and the bed and furniture that he lies on to him and his heirs.
Itm: I give unto my daughter Mary Timberlake the Mare called Spot and a Side Saddle & bridle and the bed and furniture that She Lies on to her and her heirs.
Itm: Its my will that what I have before given to my children when they were married Should not be brought into my Estate to be appraised.
Itm: It is my will that my Executors Shall Sell all my land and appurtinances for the best price that Can be got for Current money and the money arising from such Sale be Equally Divided amongst my five Children viz: Richard, Eppa and Mary Timberlake and my Daughters Elizabeth Reed and Sarah Hathaway all my estate not before given to be equally divided between my said Children and their heirs.
Itm: Lastly I appoint my Son Richard Timberlake and my friend George Ball Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Revoking all former wills by me made as witness my hand and seal the 5th day of November 1762.

Sign'd, Sealed, & published to be my Last will in presence of John Heath.
Francis Timberlake
Spencer Gaskins
Mary Chilton

Given under my hand this 3rd day of August, 1935.

C. B. Hogan, Jr., Deputy Clerk

Circuit Court of Northumberland Co., VA.

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At a Court held for Northumberland Co. the 13th day of December 1762. This Last Will and Testament of Francis Timberlake dead was presented into Court by Richd. Timberlake and George Ball the Executors therin named who made oath thereto according to Law & the same being proved by The oaths of John Heath, Spencer Gaskins & Mary Chilton witnesses thereto was admitted to Record, and on the Motion of the said Executors giving security Certificate is granted them for Obtaining a Probate thereof in due form.
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Northumberland Co., I, C. B. Hogan, Jr., Deputy Clerk of said Co. do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true copy of the Will of Francis Timberlake as is of record in said office in Record Book No. 6, at page 155.