Middlesex County, Virginia, 1726 -- Proved April 4th, 1727

In the name of God, Amen. January 17th, 1726.

I, Francis Timberlake of the Co. of Middlesex in VA, being weak and sick of body, but of good and perfect sense and memory, Blessed be God Almighty for it, do make, ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, first I give and commit my soul to God who gave it, and through the merits of Jesus Christ, my life's redeemer to receive full redemption of my sins and my body to be disposed of as my Executors herin mentioned shall think fit.

My will is that all my just debts be first paid. I lend to my loving wife Sarah Timberlake all my whole estate during her widow-hood and if she marrys my desire is that she be put to the thirds of my estate and the remainder of my estate my desire is to be equally divided amongst my children, Benjamin Timberlake, Francis Timberlake, John Timberlake, Henry Timberlake, Elizabeth Timberlake, Sarah Timberlake and Richard Timberlake and I do constitute and ordain my loving wife Sarah Timberlake my whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and testament.

In witness of the same I have hereto set my hand and fixed my seal the day and year above written.

Francis Timberlake
Signed, sealed and delivered in presents of us.

Tho. Marken

John Larke

Archie Cowdy

Teste: W. Stanard Colbe

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