Henry Timberlake -- Tichfield, England
«Thanks to Lori London for submitting this will!! »
I, Henry Timberlake, of Chilling in the parish of Tichfield, county
Southampton, gent., being sickley in body and lame in my limmes, this 10th day of July
1625, make this my last will and testament; Poor of Tichfield £3. To Thomas
Timberlake, my oldest son and his heirs all such lands and tenements and shares or parts
of land as I am no seised to in the Somer Islands of Virginia in the parts beyond the
seas, and one parcel of land called Hobbs or Madam Land lying in Barking, Co. Essex.
To Henry Timberlake my youngest son and his heirs one cottage and parcel of land
called Mount Harsh lying in Prickleswell, county Essex, and two cottages in Lambahith
Marsh near London, and as touching my goods and chattels, personal estate and adventures
beyond the seas, whereas I am indebted in divers great sums of money for most of which my
friend Arthur Bromfield, Esq., standeth bound, and whereas Sir William Cope of Hauwell,
county Oxon, Knight and Bart, is indebted to me in 13, 947, for the securing of which he
did convey unto me certain lands in the said county and in Essex, and whereas in respect
of some defect in the title of said lands I have obtained a Decree in Chancery for
receiving the said debt out of lands due unto thi said Sir William out of Custom House
Key, London, now my will is that out of the same my debts shall be paid and Arthur
Bromfield be discharged of his undertaking and that Sir William be reassured of the said
lands. I give unto Sarah, my daughter, new wife of Timothy Blyer of Tichfield clert, £200, to my daughter Hester, now wife of Thomas Williams, for the better maintenance of her and of Thomas and Judith Michell two of her children living with her, £30 yearly out of my leasehold tenements in London to the said Judith Michell £120, to John Michell her brother, my grandchild £120 and to Thomas and William Michell her brothers £20 apiece in addition to the 50 each given unto them by the will of my said daughter Hester's former husband - all these legacies to my grandchildren be paid to their respectives ages of one and twenty years. To Benjamin Borrowes and Katherine his wife, my sister £10 yearly as long as they shall live together. To Rebecca, daughter of my said sister and now wife of Ralph Radford £10 and to Henry Burrows son of my said sister £20 and to Michael Burrowes her son, if he be now living £10. Legacies to Samuel Breach, Agnes Ratcliffe, Richard Falder, Margaret Dodd, Arthur Bromfield my godson, William Bartnell my godson, and Timothy Blyer the younger, my apprentice the Company of Browne Bakers whereof I am a member, Margaret Copland my servant, Henry Copland, her brother, Henry Laundy my godson, Mary wife of Arthur Bromfield, Elizabeth his daughter, William Beeston gent., and my Kinsman Jasper Bartnall and wife. to Dorothy Pescod, a poore innocent that I keepe, £5 and my executors shall provide some fitt place for her, that she may neither wander nor begge. Old servant Joan Riever, a ____. Kinsmen beyond the seas (line not legible). Inner Temple, gent.
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