Prickett-Endicott Family Bible

This bible information holds the key to this line




Nelson Prickett was born April 6th, 1821.
Ruth Ann Prickett was born January 21, 1842

Agnes Prickett daughter of Nelson & Ruth A. was born July 26, 1866
Susan Thomas Prickett daughter of Nelson & Ruth A. was born September 5, 1868

John Nelson Endicott was born March 18, 1886. He is the son of John B. & Agnes S. Endicott
Joeseph Charles Endicott son of John B. & Agnus S. Endicott was born October 9, 1887

George R. Brown son of John F. & Sue T. Brown was born November 2, 1888
Ralph E. Brown son of John F. & Sue T. Brown was born July 29, 1892
J. Austin Brown son of John F. & Sue T. Brown was born March 28, 1895
Ruth A. Brown daughter of John F. and Sue T. Brown was born June 24, 1900

Lulu R. Hance wife of John Nelson Endicott was born January 2, 1888

All these births took place in Burlington County New Jersey



August 17th, 1909 at Mt. Holly, New Jersey John Nelson Endicott married Lulu R. Hance

October 11th, 1911 at Mt. Holly, New Jersey Joseph Charles Endicott married Flora Lamb

August 10th, 1917 at Mt. Holly,New Jersey J. Austin Brown married Marlo Greenwald.

March 22, 1930 Agnes Mae Endicott and William S. Windish were married at Riverside, New Jersey

May 30, 1936 Elsie Rebecca Endicott and Harry Rose Shiort were married in Moorestown, New Jersey

February 5, 1936 Frank Charles Endicott and Elsie Mae Carter were married at Moorestown, New Jersey

October 9, 1943 Ernest Endicott and Ella J. Wood were married at Camden, New Jersey

June 4, 1945 Arthur Howard Endicott and Gladys M. Armann were married at Elkton, Maryland.



George R. Brown son of John F. & Sue T. Brown dies March 10th, 1892. Age: 3 yrs-4 mo-8 days.
Ralph E. Brown son of John F. & Sue T. Brown died September 2nd, 1895. Age: 3 yrs-1 mo-4 days.

Sue T. Garon daughter of John Nelson Endicott & Ruth A. Prickett died April 11th, 1915

Ruth A. Prickett wife of Nelson Prickett died Oct. 11th, 1918

John Nelson Endicott died September, 3rd, 1945. Son of John B. & Agnes S. Endicott and husband of Lulu R. Endicott

I typed the information word for word from the copies I have of this bible. The bible is in the possession of Patricia Endicott.

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