Marriage of Henry Clark & Elizabeth Underhill

Marriage Certificate: "Whereas Henry Clark, son of Jonathan Clark late of the County of Cecil & Province of Maryland, Deceased, and Elizabeth Underhill, Daughter of John Underhill of the same place, having declared their intentions of marriage before several Monthly Meetings of the Christian People called Quakers in E. Nottingham in the County of Chester & Province of Pennsylvania & having consent of parents & relations their said Porposals of marriage after a deliberate consideration (they appearing clear of all others) were approved of by the said meeting."
" Now these may Certifie all whom it may concern that for the full accomplishing their said Intentions this 5th day of ye 9th month called Novmeber Anno Domini 1741. They, the said Henry Clark & Elizabeth Underhill appeared ina publick meeting of the said people assembled at their publick meeting place in East Nottingham affsd. where he, the said Henry Clark, taking the sd. Elizabeth by the hand did in a solemn openly declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through Divine Assistance to be unto her a loving & faithfull husband until the Lord, by death, should separate them.
"And then & there, in the said assembly, the said Elizabeth Underhill did in like manner declare that she took him, the said Henry Clark, to be her Husband promising through Divine Assistance to be unto him a a loving & faithful wife, until the Lord, by death, should separate them, or words to Y' effact. Moreover they, the said Henry Clark & Eliz. Underhill did as a further Confirmation thereof then and there to these presents set their hands as husband & wife".
Henry Clark
Elizabeth Underhill
And we being present at the solemnization of the marriage & subscription in manner affore sd do, as Witnesses, hereunto also subscribe out names the Day & year first above written. Daniel Brown, John Churchman, Zerah Brown Sr., Sam ll Brown, Jacob Haines, William Bennett, Thos. Branan, John McAic, Richd Bennett, Eliz. Baker, Miriam Brown, Mary Elgar, Margt. Kirk, Hannah Brown, Joanna England, Mary Hill, John Underhill, Anne Underhill, Isabel Edmondson, Samuel Edmondson, Samuel Edmondson & Thos. Underhill

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