My Evans Family Page

This page is dedicated to my Great Grandmother
Rhoda M. Evans.
October 25, 1889-21 April 1970

My Great Grandmother Rhoda Evans. God bless her soul..

I am going to start with my Great-Grandmother Rhoda M. Evans and work my way back to my last known Evans ancestor. After the lineage portion of the page I am going to include several articles taken from books and some things taken from Quaker Information books. I hope you enjoy learning about my EVANS ancestors.

RHODA M. EVANS b. Oct. 25, 1889 OH. d. 1970 Tipp City, OH mar. on Nov. 11, 1914 CHARLES MARTINDALE b. 1874 OH d. 1960 OH (See Martindale link for family history page) Their children were:

..........WILLIS VIRGIL b. Oct. 25, 1915 d. Aug. 8, 1995
..........DON N. b. 01 January 1930
..........JOSEPH E. b. 30 September 1921
..........C.ALLYN b. 8 September 1918
..........EDNA L. b. 24 January 1926
..........MARY JANE b. 17 March 1917

Rhoda was the daughter of ROBERT MILTON EVANS b. Mar. 18, 1845 Monroe Twp, OH d. 1918 OH. He mar. Mar. 2, 1867 to JANE (MINERVA) KELLER b. 1846 Miami Co., OH. d. 1909. Their Children are:

..........MARIS A. b. Oct 20, 1868 d. April 16, 1870
..........LILLIE H. b. Aug 4, 1870 mar. ADAM UNDERWOOD
..........SARAH A. b. Sept 22, 1872 mar. HARRY BARNHART
..........KORAH W. b. Oct 11, 1874 mar. EMMA OAKES
..........ZENITIA b. Oct 26, 1876 d. June 5, 1895
..........LAURA A. b. Sept 10, 1878 mar. IRA OAKES
..........ANNA P. b. Jan 9, 1881 mar. WILLIAM KENDALL
..........HOWARD V. b. Feb 27, 1884 d. April 23, 1885
..........ELLEN H. b. Oct 28, 1886 d. Nov 19, 1886
..........RHODA M. b. Oct 5, 1889 mar. CHARLES MARTINDALE

Robert Milton is the son of ROBERT EVANS b. Feb 7, 1789 d. June 25, 1863 Monroe Twp, OH. On Nove 26, 1835 he married first on July 12, 1812 at Mill Creek, Miami Co, OH ESTHER JENKINSb. Jan 24, 1794 d. Jan 26, 1835. Second he mar. Nov 26, 1835 Esthers cousin MARY JENKINS b. Oct 4, 1808 Miami Co, OH.

Children of the first marriage:

..........THOMAS b. Apr 4, 1813 mar. SOPHIA KRISE
..........JOSEPH b. Apr 12, 1815
..........WILLIAM b. Mar 9, 1824 mar. JANE UNKNOWN
..........MOSES b. Jan 17, 1826 mar. Feb 24, 1826 Miami Co, OH ELIZABETH PEARSON b. 1827 d. Oct 13, 1856
..........ESTHER b. Aug 31, 1821
..........ELEANORE b. Feb 4, 1817 mar. JAMES COPPACK b. Nov 11, 1814
..........JULIAN b. Aug 18, 1819
..........MARIE b. Nov 30, 1828 mar. SAMUEL JAY b. 1824

Children of the second marriage:

..........ELIZABETH b. May 25, 1848 mar. WILLIAM MACY LOUISE
..........MARY L. b. Aug 29, 1836 mar. THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH
..........AARON b. Feb 5, 1839
..........JESSE b. Aug 1, 1841
..........KAREN b. July 24, 1873 mar. DAVIS JESTER
..........ROBERT M. b. Mar 18, 1845 mar. JANE KELLER

Robert was the son of JOSEPH EVANS b. Aug 20, 1749 d. Aug 31, 1828 Butler Twp, Montgomery Co, OH Mar. Nov 17, 1773 ESTHER BUFFINGTON b. Feb 1, 1751 Chester Co, PA d. May 30, 1830 Butler Twp, OH.

Their children:
..........SAMUEL b. Jan 27, 1775
..........HANNAH b. Oct 27, 1776 mar. WILLIAM JOHNSON
..........ISAAC b. Nov 7, 1778
..........MOSES b. Sept 24, 1780
..........MARGARET b. 1782
..........ADAM b. Dec 30, 1784
..........JOHN b. Feb 16, 1787
..........ROBERT b. Feb 7, 1789 (1) ESTHER JENKINS (2) MARY JENKINS
..........PHEBE b. Dec 30, 1790
..........MARY b. Dec 8, 1792 mar. LEVI HAWKINS
..........AARON b. Jan 13, 1794
..........SALLY (SARAH) b. May 31, 1797 mar. JOHN FURNAS
..........AARON b.Jan 13, 1794

Evans Historical Documents

Genealogical and Biographical Record of Miami Co. Ohio
GEN-R 977.148 G326 Pgs. 778-780

ROBERT M. EVANS is a representative of one of the oldest families of Miami County, the name EVANS being interwoven with the history of this locality through almost the entire nineteenth century. His grandfather and father took an active part in the work of reducing the wild land to purposes of civilization and gave their support to many measures which promoted the material progress and substantial upbuilding of this section of the state. The Grandfather, Joseph Evans, resided in Milledgeville, Georgia, and in 1801 started with his family for the Northwest Territory. The journey was made by team and the party passed the site of the present day city of Dayton en-route to LaPorte, Indiana. That was the year before Ohio was admitted to the Union. In 1804 the family returned to the Buckeye State and established a home in Montgomery County, upon the farm adjoining the boundary line of Miami County. This property is now occupied by John Johnson and the little cabin home of the Evans family stood on the site where Mr. Johnson's large brick residence is now located. Their nearest neighbor at the time was a Mr. Pierson, who lived six miles away. Joseph Evans secured a tract of Government land, which was covered with heavy timber, and erected a one-story double log house, in which he spent his remaining days, his death occuring when he had attained an advanced age. He was a member of the Society of Friends or Quakers. In his family were three children who came to Ohio, namely: Robert, Joseph and Sarah. ROBERT EVANS, the father of our subject, was born near Milledgeville, Georgia, February 7, 1789, accompanied his parents to Indiana, and when fourteen years of age came with the family to Ohio. He grew to manhood in Montgomery, County and remained upon the home farm until about twenty three years of age. He was married, about 1812, to ESTHER JENKINS, and they became the parents of ten children. After the death of his first wife, ROBERT EVANS married MARY JENKINS IN 1834 and they had six children including ROBERT M. EVANS. After his marriage the father removed to the Martin Eide Miller farm and later purchased the south half of the land on which Tippecanoe now stands. In 1836 he traded that farm to John Clark for one-half of the northwest quarter section 28, Monroe township. He moved to this eighty-acre tract and spent his remaining days, his death occuring on 25th of June, 1863. He was a very successful man and accumulated considerable property. For many years he belonged to the Quaker church, but prior to his death he joined the New Light Church. ROBERT M. EVANS was born on the old homestead on Section 28, Monroe township, March 18, 1845, and spent his boyhood days, obtaining his education in the district schools. He remained at home until after his father's death, and on the 17th of July, 1863 in company with his brother Jesse and his half-brother Moses, he enlisted in Company G, 25th Ohio National Guard, which responded to President Lincoln's last call in March, 1864, going to Washington to defend that city, which the Confederate officers had planned to attack. When the war was over he returned to the old homestead, where he remained until 1879, when embarked in the grocery and drygoods business in Ginghamsburg, Ohio, carrying on merchandising at that place until August 2, 1894, when he sold out to A.C. Gleason. For 15 years he remained in the store and conducted a successful business, which brought to him good financial returns. In 1890 he purchased his present farm and in 1896 erected the large, tasteful residence in which he now lives. On the 2nd of March, 1867, Mr. Evans was united in marriage to Miss JANE KELLER and to them have been born ten children: MARIS A. born Oct. 20, 1868 died April 16, 1870; LILLIE H. born August 4, 1870; SARAH A. (Letta) born Sept. 22, 1872; KORAH W. born Oct. 11, 1874; ZENITIA born Oct. 26, 1876 died June 5, 1895; LAURA A. born Sept. 10, 1878; ANNA P. born Jan. 9, 1881; HOWARD V. born Feb. 27, 1884 died Apr. 23, 1885; ELLEN H. born Oct. 28, 1886 died Nov. 19, of the same year; and RHODA M. born Oct. 5, 1889, completes the family. On the 6th of November, 1876, Mr. Evans was elected to the office of Justice of the peace and has filled that position continuously since, discharging his duties in a most creditable manner, his rulings being strictly fair and impartial. His political support is given the Republican party. He belongs to D.M. Rouzer Post, G.A.R., of Tippecanoe City and the United Brethren church of Ginghamsburg, in which he has served as Sunday school superintendent and class leader for 15 years. The farm upon which he now resides comprises eighty acres of land and in addition to this he also owns forty acres of the old homestead. He is one of the substantial and highly respected agriculturists of the community and belongs to the progressive class of citizens who believe that time should advance beyond that of former years. During his active career he has been found true to the duties of citizenship and to those of public and private life in every particular, and well does he deserve representation in the history of the county wherein his entire life has been spent.


MOSES EVANS, one of the most substantial farmers of Butler township, whose post office is Fidelity, Ohio, springs from Welsh ancestry. His grandfather, Joseph Evans, was a farmer of Georgia, and in 1773 married in that state Miss Esther Buffington. Their children were Samuel, born January 27, 1775; Hannah, born October 27, 1776; Isaac, born November 7, 1778; Moses, born September 24, 1780; Margaret, born October 17, 1782; Adam, born December 30, 1784; John, born February 16, 1787; Robert, born February 7, 1789; Phebe, born December 13, 1790; Mary, born December 8, 1792; Aaron, born January 13, 1794, and Sally, born May 31, 1797. JOSEPH EVANS, father of these children, moved to Ohio in 1802 by means of wagons. The Evans family were Quakers, and moved away from Georgia on account of their opposition to slavery. They settled in Butler town-ship, Montgomery county, near Vandalia. Here Mr. Evans passed his remaining days, dying August 31, 1828, when seventy-nine years and eleven days old. Esther Buffington, his wife, was born February 1, 1756, and died May 30, 1830. Mr. Evans was one of the sturdy, thrifty pioneers, and owned land enough to give each of his children a good farm. ROBERT EVANS, his son, and the father of Moses Evans, was born in Georgia, and according to his own statement was a small boy when the family moved to Ohio. Robert Evans received a fair common-school education in his youth and became a farmer. July 12, 1812, he married Esther Jenkins, of Ohio, daughter of Thomas Jenkins. Mr. Evans after his marriage settled in Miami county on 170 acres of land, which he cleared from the woods. The town of Tippecanoe, Ohio, now stands on this farm. Mr. Evans became a prosperous man, and bought additional land for his children. This land lay in St. Joeseph's county, Ind. Politically he was an old-whig and later became a republican, and a strong Union man. Four of his sons were in the Union army, Jesse, Robert, Moses and Ei. The first three were in company G, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served 100 days, and ELi served in an Indiana regiment. Mr. Evans was a Quaker in religious belief, like his ancestors before him. His children by his first wife were Thomas, Joseph, William, Moses, Eli and Esther all whom grew to mature years, and all married and yeared families. There were several other children who died young. The mother of these children died January 26, 1835, and Mr. Evans again married, his second wife being Mary Jenkins, by whom he had the following children: Jesse, Mary L., Robert, Elizabeth and one that died young. Moses Evans was born January 17, 1826, on his father's farm in Monroe township, Miami county, Ohio. His early education was only a limited one, but sufficient for all the practical purposes of a farmer's life. When about twenty-one years old he married, on February 25, 1847, Elizabeth Pearson, who was a daughter of Noah and Florentine Pearson. Noah Pearson was an excellent man and a good farmer of Miami county. His children were Simeon, William, Elizabeth, Mary and Henrietta. Mr. Pearson was also a Quaker in religion and lived to the age of seventy years. After the marriage Moses Evans and wife settled in Monroe township, within four miles of Tippecanoe, on his father's farm, of which his father gave him eighty acres. In 1865 he sold it and moved to his present farm of eighty acres, which he has much improved. His wife died October 13, 1856, a woman of excellent character and many virtues. December 31, 1857, Mr. Evans married Ruth Russell, who died April 25, 1859, leaving no children. On May 3, 1865, Mr. Evans married Delilah Fanner, a widow whose maiden name was Yount. She was born here in Montgomery county, July 21, 1833, and was a daughter of Solomon and Eve (Fouts) Yount. Solomon Yount was a son of John and Mary Yount, the former of whom was a pioneer of Montgomery county and of german descent. He came with his family from North Carolina with the old Friends or Quakers, and settled in Butler township. His children were Frederick, Henry, Rebecca, Delilah and Solomon. Solomon Yount was born July 22, 1797, in North Carolina, and came with his parents to Ohio in 1802. He married Eve Yount, a widow, nee Fouts, who was a daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Sinks) Fouts. Solomon Yount settled on the land now lives Isaac Macy, which land he cleared and then removed to another farm in Butler township this latter farm containing 170 acres, and upon which he became a substanial farmer. His chhildren by Eve Yount were Enos, Frederick, Mary, Roanna, Elizabeth and Delilah.. He had been previously married to Joanna Insco, and by her had one child, Insco Yount. In religion Mr. Yount was a Quaker or Friend, and in politics was first a whig and then a Republican. He died April 10, 1870, a man of most excellent character and of strict integrity. Mr. Evans is a member of the Christian church, as also is his wife. He served in the one hundred day's service as a member of company E, One Hundred and Forty- seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was stationed at Fort Macy, W. Va. Mr. Evans is an honored citizen, and had held the offices of supervisor and member of school board. By his first wife, he had four children who are now living: Hester M.; Nancy J.; Noah D. and Harriet. Mrs. Evans was first married to Allen Fanner, a farmer of Miami county, and bt him had three children, Webster, Callie and Arnold. Allen Fanner died at the age of twenty-seven years.

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