Ain't Life Grand 2 Web Ring

Page Content Guidelines

1. NO Profanity
2. NO Racial or Social Slurs
3. NO Pornography
4. Your page may have any theme
5. No broken links,I know that links change
from time to time,try to keep them current.
6. Pages must be viewable by all ages

Your page will be reviewed before you are put in the ring
I am not trying to make this hard, but the founders of this ring want
to keep it wholesome.


One more thing. You will have one week to get the codes on your page.
If the code is not right or in place you will be deleted from the queue

At the bottom of this page you will find the graphics needed
and a link to the code to put on your page
Don't forget to put in the site number in the code... Replace the SITE-ID-HERE with the number you are given

Submit Your Site Here

View the code

Here is the graphic you need...just right click on the image and save...