Sunny Side Up  Tutorial


Open a new image 500x500,  background color,  black 16 million colors.

Use Selection tool, ellipse, feather 2 antialias check. Make your egg shape.

Fill with your favorite color.
the color I used was 
Red 0, Blue 210, Green 233

Go to Image/Sharpen/Sharpen more.
Apply 3 times.
NOTE! Not shown in the image, but you can now apply the Spotlight filter, so make the egg look more 3 dimensional.Deselect.


Change foreground color to white.
Select the line tool Line Type Bezier
size 4 

draw a straight line just to the right of the top center of the egg. left click twice in the center of the line and the edge of the egg.


Repeat on the other side.
switch line tool to normal.
Draw a straight line down the middle of the egg.
Hint: you might want to zoom in and touch up the lines to make sure they continue into the white edge around the egg. It makes it easier when you use the magic wand next.

Using the magic wand select the white lines.
Using blade pro use the use the gold_shiny preset from Web Graphics on a Budget
then go to Image/Effects/Drop shadow.
set the settings at:
both offsets at -3.delselect.

Decorate any way you like.
I used a diamond,from Samanthie, geletin hearts from Jasc, and colored balls from Hoods Tubes in the example. I also used Printers Ornament Font ( and ) size 20 then applied blade pro candy wrapper red preset on the images on the left and right of the egg.
in the Center of the egg, I did the same thing only I used Printers Ornaments N and n .I also applied the same drop shadow settings as abouve to each Font.
And to top it off, I used Diz's Bow font!


for the base I used Borderbats-Fleur2 Font, x with the size of 120. You will have to type the number 120 in the space, as PSP will only give you a choice up to size 72
Once positioned under the egg, I applied Blade pro gold_shiny preset.

Then I used Borderbats-Fleur2 Font 5 and 6 size 72 for each of the sides of the base, applying the same blade pro setting.
I then resized it to 70 percent of the original.


The possibilities are endless, just take a look at Cinderella's Coach!

This is my first tutorial, so If you don't understand something, I'll know why! *G*

If you need any help, just give me a holler!

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