A History of Capitolcats' Chartreux

The Chartreux are LeAnn's addition to the cattery. In 1992, with five+ years of raising Persians for experience, she decided she wanted to get her judge's license. For a second breed (to meet judging requirements) she decided to look for something that was rarely seen in the showhalls. She LOVES to put on a show! She had agented a Japanese Bobtail at several shows, plus a Burmese and loved all of the questions people had about those breeds instead of the casual look into the cage and the statement, "Oh, it's just another Persian!" After much soul searching, and attending the 1st Cornell Feline Health Seminar (where she met Chartreux breeders), she decided the Chartreux met our requirement for uniqueness, ability to "free feed," quietness and personality. (Since Stuart wasn't thrilled about a shorthair, she thought the fact that he loves blue cats would be a plus!)

LeAnn began the search. We were living in Minnesota at the time and she remembered that someone had shown a Chartreux 18 months prior at a local show. It only took six weeks to track them down! They were in the process of moving and yes, they had a nine month old female. There were four kittens in the litter and they had kept two for themselves and just had them neutered. One girl was sold as an alter and they were holding the remaining girl, hoping to find an experienced breeder who would take her so they wouldn't have to go clear to California for a replacement if something ever happened to their two cats. LeAnn actually met them at the motel they were living in while waiting to move into their new home which was still under construction. She took one look at Grace, pulled out her standards, went through each point and said, "I don't see anything wrong." (She was the first Chartreux LeAnn had actually handled...This was an excellent training lesson on how to interpret a standard.) She took her home.

At her first show, Grace took all the finals she needed to become a Grand Champion, including a second best cat in an allbreed ring. Needless to say, we were pleased to start our Chartreux program with such an outstanding example of the breed . Grace's mom was Frenchon Fame, the daughter of Belleisle Dusty Dynocat and Backcountry Chantilly Lace. She now resides at Luxueux Cattery in Kansas.

It took over a year to find a male - Blaukatzen's Descartes. He's a son of Blaukatzen's Beaufort and Colette du Vaumichon. He and Grace made gorgeous babies! The only problem is that she always had at least one kitten that was 5.5 ounces or larger in size.

We intended to keep a female (Jillian)from the first litter. Then came the second litter and Jack Frost was born. At three weeks he already had dimples and LeAnn knew he was a keeper. So, she sold the girl and started looking for a female or two for Jack.

(In this photo of six week old kittens, Jack is the one in the red basket. See his smile?) Since Jack was the new male and we limit our numbers, Descartes was neutered and now resides in Virginia as a pampered pet. Jack was easy to Grand and has even earned Best Cat honors several times in his show career.

There was a brief opportunity to show him last summer, but Jack discovered girls and lost all interest in eating and showing. So we stopped to let him sire. Jack is pictured on the right looking down on his domain.

Finally we found a photographer at the same show as Jack. These were taken in March, 1998 by Trevon Baker of About Faces Photography. They show Jack's great purrsonality!

The next addition was from Idaho - a daughter of Ashmanor Julian and Cestbonvin Gamin. (Pictured below)

Now "Lilac Lil" lives on Lilac Lane (our address) and is one rosette away from earning her Grand Championship title

Dr. Dawn Varney of Luxueux Cattery had a nice little girl from Ami's Elfin Bleu (Son of Tellacat's Saint Vincent and Sheenah's Beguine) and Bleumime Fantasia (Daughter of Belleisle's Cashmere Critter and Frenchcon Daphana Danielle) called Lacey.

Lacy is one-third of the way towards her Grand Championship title. We look forward to allowing both girls to receive the title they deserve.

Both Lacey and Lily produced litters in the summer of 1996. In the photo below you see their babies. Left to right are: Monsieur Pierre, Madamoiselle Lacey, Mona Lisa (See her smile!), Mercure, and Madame Cagney.

Grace and Descartes were each 2nd Best Chartreux in ACFA (American Cat Fanciers Association - also includes Canada) in the year they were shown and it was sparingly. Their first daughter Jillian was Best Chartreux. Last year Jack was second Best Chartreux, again with just a little showing. LeAnn had intended to campaign him during the 1996-97 show season, but he was much more interested in his harem than in shows.

Lily and Jack's first daughter Mona Lisa has now joined the Capitolcats breeding program. LeAnn has got a boyfriend for her picked out at Luxueux.

Here Lily is pictured with Mona Lisa at four weeks of age.

Information Center Department of Agriculture Capitol Cafe State Historical Society Department of Health Department of Human Services Department of Labor Supreme Court Department of Tourism

LeAnn Harner, Capitolcats, capitolcats@starband.net

Copyright Protected1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Capitolcats

Credits: Designer Graphic creations and site setup by Purrinlot

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