Here's a schedule of shows where you might find someone from Capitolcats!
September 27-28, 2003 - Big Sioux Cat Fanciers, THE OAKS MOTEL - Sioux Falls, SD
April 3-4, 2004 - MinnKota Feline Club, FAIRGROUNDS - West Fargo, ND
And that's as far ahead as I'm planning for now.

Thanks for visiting our site. Here's our favorite links! We hope you'll take the opportunity to "tour" them!

Links Outside of Capitolcats......

American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA)

Purrinlot Cattery - Where they really Purr:-)

The South Dakota Cat Lady

LeAnn Harner, Capitolcats,

Copyright Protected1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Capitolcats

Credits: Designer Graphic creations and site setup by Purrinlot