Heartland Community Title Page

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There are lots of places to go and things you can do in and around the Heartland Neighbourhood. *smile*

For starters, you could visit the Community Center created for the suburb in which you have a website. There's lots of information to be found at these Community Centers, including a list of Community Leaders, so you can find who's the Community Leader of your block, and most also have a webring designed especially for the people with a website in that particular suburb. Stop by and check them out soon!!

Acres Community Resource Center Lane Community Center
Bluffs Community Center cMeadows Community Center
Cabin Community CenterUnder Construction Oaks Community Center
Cottage Community Center Park Community Center
Creek Community Center Pines Community Center
Estates Community Center Plains Community Center
Farm Community Center Pointe Community Center
Fields Community Center Prairie Community Center
Flats Community Center Ranch Community Center
Forest Community Center Ridge Resource Center
Garden Community Center Shores Community Center
Grove Community Center Valley Community Center
Heartland Community Center Village Community Center
Hills Community Center Woods Community Center
Hollow Community Center Trail Tribune
Lake Community Center

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There are also lots of other things to do around the Heartland Community. There are awards to apply for, places where you can find graphics, groups which you may find helpful. I think there's something for everyone here.

Heartland Headquarters
If you can't find, it should be here! If not let us know!!
Heartland Hospitality Center
Heartland Hospitality is here to welcome Heartland's newest homesteaders. We offer links to some of the most important areas in Heartland and let you know where to find help when you need it. Our goal is to make you feel welcome in your new homes!
Heartland Angels
Do you need a little one on one help with your website? Heartland Angels will help new homesteaders who want to work on their pages, but are a bit lost and are asking for help. These Angels will help you build the page you want, by providing the appropriate HTML Coding, or suggestions on where to find what you're looking for!
Web Tech University
Need help learning html? Web Tech U. is an online school, which provides courses that include: HTML 101, Advanced HTML (tables forms and frames), JavaScript, Java, and Content & Design. Best of all these classes are free!! Stop by and see if they have something you're interested in!
The Three Muskateers
"Helping others" and rewarding them for their hard work is what we're all about ! The 3 Muskateers are here to please! We come to the rescue of those in need! We do it for fun! We are the Good, Bad, and the Ugly!
Heartland Critique and Review
These hard working CL's will review your website, and offer ideas and suggestions on how to improve it. Many times these reviews include suggestions that you may not have thought of. This is defintely a helpful site! Please keep in mind, this free service is only open to those who have not yet received the Heartland Hallmark Award, Award of Excellence, Heart of Gold, and/or Heart of the City.
Award of Excellence
Do you have an outstanding site? Each week two websites, which are outstanding in both content and design, are selected from all of the applications. These sites, are given the award and featured on the site, as well as in the Heartland Edition.
Heartland Hallmarks
Awarding Heartland Homesteaders who have met all of the guidelines stated on the Heartland Hallmark page.
Heartland Heart of Gold Award
What this Committee awards are sites in Heartland that have created homepages that are more than just a home on the web.These are sites that just by looking you can see that the homesteader has put their Heart and Soul into the site. More guidelines are available on their website.
Heartland's Heart of the City Award
If you have already won a Heartland Hallmark Award, or an Award of Excellence, please stop by and apply for the Heart of the City Award. *smile*
Heartland Safe Site
A place of Safety & Refuge. This Committee was formed to help GeoCitizens and others find the help for abuse that they need...links, chat, a place to tell their story if they wish, and a place to find a safe haven for victims of all types of abuse.
Heartland Adoption Connection
This page has been set up to assist anyone who is involved in adoption: adoptees, birth mothers or fathers, and adoptive family members.
Parenting Center
The Heartland Parenting Center showcases outstanding parenting sites found throughout Heartland.
Heartland Genealogy Society
The Genealogy Society is devoted to the spread of responsible Genealogy around the web, and offers a free Monthly Newsletter as well as tutorials on genealogy research.
Heartland Home Front
The Heartland Home Front focuses on the Domestic part of making your house a home. We feature our own Cookbook, Decorating Ideas, Crafts, Budget, Organization, Health, Aromatherapy, Fix-it, Gardening, and Household Hints. Contests in the crafts area as well as on the main site.
Heartland Select
Help others find you! Get Listed!
Heartland Graphics
Need Graphics? There's lots to choose from here, and there are also some special background sets designes specificaly for the suburb in which you live.
Screen Saver Committee
Would you like a Heartland animated desktop?
Teens Online
A place for teens to get together and get involved!
The Heartland Edition (T.H.E.)
What to know what's going on around Heartland? Read the Official Heartland Newspaper.
Heartland Carnival!
Fun is the main topic here. Stop by and check it out!
Heartland's "Home School is Fun" Committee
Want to know more about homeschooling?? Here you will find State Laws, Ideas for Lesson Plans, Convention & Curriculm Fair dates, Home School chatroom hours and a "Home School is Fun" Message Board. Stop by and have a look around.
(Finding an InterPeace Thru Healing) A grief support network for those who have lost family or close friends.
Partners in Prayer
A prayer partner is right around the corner.

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And a few Help Links for WebTV users and AOL users,:

Heartland WebTV Help
GeoCities WebTV Committee
WebTV Info Central
AOL Help

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Site Map:
Getting Around in Geocities!! | Help Getting Around Yahoo!! | Colour Picker
In & Around Heartland | Site with My Heartland Farm Award
Main Page | Gardening Page | Sarah's Page | About Me
Background Sets | Award Pages

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Page Last Updated 22 August, 1999