I went into labour early Friday evening, and after a few hours, the contactions started getting quite a bit closer together, so this was it ... off we went to the hospital. We arrived about 8:30 pm. As the labour progressed, the contactions became more frequent and more painful, and at that point I decided to opt for an epidural. About at half an hour after my decision I had the cathedure in place (around 10:30 pm.) ... and after that I wasn't feeling any pain *smile* ... I wasn't even feeling the contactions. At 11:15 pm we went into the delivery room, and at 12:17 am Saturday morning Sarah arrived into this world. A perfect little baby girl! We spent Saturday in the hospital getting to know each other, and the nursing staff was wonderfully helpful with this. Then both Sarah and I were discharged from the hospital and on our way home by Sunday at noon. Her weight at the time of discharge was 6 lbs. 3 oz. We returned to the hospital to visit the New Born Clinic on the 25th of May. This appointment is basically for the new mom's, just to make sure everything is going alright, and so that they can find out more information with any concerns they may have been having. In the 9 days since we'd come home Sarah had increased her weight to 6 lbs. 10 oz. She also had her first hearing test done during this visit. June 1st we had our first Dr.'s visit. Just a little check up so the family doctor could meet Sarah, and check her out, make sure everything was going alright. At this appointment Sarah weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. The Dr. thought that was great, as it can take up to 2 weeks for a breast-fed baby to regain their birth weight. Sarah had not only regained her weight, she'd gained an additional 12 oz. Our next scheduled Dr.'s appointment will be at 8 weeks, so that she can have her first immunization booster.
Sarah had her first long car trip (a whole 3-1/2 hrs *smile*) the day before she was 5 weeks old. Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Heather wanted to visit with Sarah, so off we went for a week. Grandma had a great time showing off her first grandchild to everyone. During this visit we visited the hospital and found that Sarah weighed 8 lbs. 15.9 oz. (with all her clothes on), and that she'd grown a full inch since she was born.
On July 12th Paul Sarah and I went to the Dr.'s office for her first immunization shot. And she did wonderfully. Paul held her hands while the Dr. stuck the needle into her little leg .. me I couldn't watch. *smile* During my pregnancy, Paul and I attended prenatal classes, so we could prepare ourselves for Sarah's birth. And we recently had our class reunion, where we could see eveyone's new little bundle of joy. Out of the 13 couples in the classes only 4 had baby girls. After hearing what some of the other women went through for their labour, I am very greatful that my labour was short and not too painful. *grin* And there are more pictures posted. Please feel free to continue on and have a look.
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Plese stop by again soon, this page will be updated frequently. *smile*
This page was last updated 30 July, 1999. The Image used in this background is provided by Anne Geddes.