
cat Do you want to join the Mighty Webring? To do so, you must be a Meowsketeer. (If you are a real cat, you can become a Meowsketeer by joining the Mighty Meow Club) If you are already a memfur, make sure that you haf the memfurship card posted on your site.

cat ~~~ Follow these easy steps! ~~~ cat

#1 Fill out the form below.

Your name:

Your kittysite title:

Your kittysite URL:

Your e-mail address:

Pleeze choose a password:

Keywords: Enter some keywords to describe your kittysite

Enter a few sentences describing your kittysite

#2 Copy this image onto your own directory. I haf named it "mmcring.gif"

Mighty Webring Logo

#3 Wait like a good kitty. You will receive the html code via e-mail in a few days. (If you furry impatient, you can also get the html code here. Just cut-n-paste it onto your page. Make sure to replace YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, YOUR_NAME, and YOUR_SITE_ID_NUMBER!)

#4 After the webring is on your page, pleeze e-mail the MMC web manager, Bosse and he'll add you in to the ring after checking to see if you did it correctly.

cat If you are already in the Mighty Webring and wish to change something, enter your Site ID number and password here. (If you can't rememfur your password, just enter your Site ID number and get the webring server to mail it to you)

Your site ID#:

Your password:


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