Look what Miss Minnie got from Joey's Dog House! What a great site!
Joey is an adorable Chihuahua that looks like the Taco Bell dog! Pay Joey
a visit soon! You can also join Joey's Net Ring (on this page) ...
Cold Noses & Warm Hearts!
Hey, Look what Miss Minnie got! It's Remmie's Rebel Award from the Ross Manor!
Marlon Brando...move over! This is a fascinating site and so different! You owe it
to yourself to drop by!
Minnie feels VERY honored to have received this lovely award from Animal Moments!
This site has definitely obtained its goal to "bring a smile to your face, a gladness
in your heart, and a feeling of love". Thank you!
Look what Miss Minnie just got from A Doberman Tribute! This is such a beautiful site
that is a memorial to Apollo and Dodgie, two beautiful dogs that gave great joy to their
owner, Ronna. Thank you so much, and Best Wishes with your new Dobiegirl, Calypso!