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This page addresses the cause for helpless animals. Any little bit you can do is an improvement!
Some great "CatStuff" Care buttons are available from their wonderful site. Minnie's Menagerie selected to illustrate the following as a representation of how Miss Minnie feels. Links to significant sites representing these causes will continue to be added.
I have discovered that yearly vaccinations are a mistake - especially for indoor kitties. I believe it contributed to my Mickey's cancer that took her on 07/05/05. In addition, Miss Minnie was a tubby little diabetic girl with bad teeth. I brought her to the Vet to have her teeth taken care of, etc. Unfortunately, I also asked that she get all her shots at the same time. She eats more than she did before this visit and she is now skin and bones. I contribute this to the last vaccination. Too many animals have been getting sick from the vaccinations. I have more research to do on this. However, it is probably necessary to vaccinate your new baby kitty...but I would get something to get rid of any toxins, metals, etc. to administer to the kitty afterwards.
Read about the nation's largest animal protection organization.
ASPCA/NAPCC American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals and the National Animal Poison Control Center.
A wealth of information for Pet Owners!
Note: Unfortunately, it appears this site no longer exists or has moved. If anyone has the answer to this please let Miss Minnie know. Thanks!
~ click on kitties in hot air balloon! ~
Animal shelters in the United States kill about 5.1 Million abandoned pets each year! Millions more die from sickness, exposure, starvation and finally death on our streets and in the fields and forests. Please call the FoA Spay Neuter HOTLINE at 1-800-321-PETS. Call the HOTLINE to receive a list of participating veterinarians in your area and an order form for your low-cost spay/neuter certificate!
Click here to see how you can help homeless animals for free!