Take me there!

Yes, Cards By Mouse has moved to a new home!!
The site has expanded to over 100 pages of great cards!

We have cards for all occasions and sentiments.
Holidays and special occasions too! Many of our cards feature mice and cute critters.
Beautiful angel, fairy and pre raphaelite art cards with classical music.
Nature cards, pets, Winnie the Pooh, Vegetarian,
snowglobes, Australia cards, virtual flowers, teddies and more....

Click Here To Go To The New Site!!!

There are new cards and categories added regularly
and you can include special backgrounds, colours, music, animations, poetry and
add custom headings, signatures and send cards up to 21 days in advance.'s all FREE!
Drop by and send someone special a little love, hug, kiss or friendly wish!
Check us out...a must see site for sending virtual greetings!

Click Here To Go To The New Site!!!

Life is what your thoughts are...think happy!!!