See Pictures and Stories
of My Ancestors


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Vernon Baker & Nancy Jane Twitty Baker

Taken just a few years before my husband's Grandmother died. This is a rare photo of her and her husband.


Mary Eleanor Morrison Ball

President George Washington's mother was a Ball and we are related to him through one of his mother's brothers. The woman in this picture is my husband's Great-Grandmother.


Levi Coller

Levi and his family were the first white settlers in the area now known as Tampa, FL. They survived several Indian attacks, the burning down of their house and many other dangers. You can still find many of their descendents in Tampa today. This rare photo of Levi Coller was given to me by one of them.


Uriah Coller, Jr.

Uriah was one of several of my ancestors who fought in the American Revolution. Click here to read his war record.


Robert DeBeaumont

This ancient ancestor of mine lead a fascinating life. He was even friends with William the Conqueror. I'm afraid the ending is rather tragic though. Use this link to read about it.


Edwin Alexander Dunn, Sr.

E.A. Dunn, my Great-Grandfather, was very active in his community. To read his obituary, try this link.


George M. T. Feagin and Drupina Smith Feagin

George was a member of the Georgia state legislature during the time leading up to the Civil War and is said to have voted agains secession. He also entertained the daughters of Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, in his home. Use the links above to see their pictures.


William Thomas Feagin and his children

This link will take you to a rare photo of my Great-Great Grandfather and eight of his twelve children.


Nancy Coller Jackson

My Great-Great-Great Grandmother's family was one of the founding pioneers of Tampa. Here is here story of those early days.


William Jackson

This is a rare photo of my Great-Great Grandfather with his mother, Nancy Coller Jackson, and brothers.

Augustus Nixon Lester and John Vickers Lester

These two gentleman were the sons of Nixon Nathan Lester and Missouri Ray Lester, and brothers of my direct ancestor, Thomas Wyche Lester.


James Jackson Lester

My Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather. Father of Nixon Nathan Lester.


Nixon Nathan Lester and Missouri Ray

My Great-Great-Great Grandparents. Click the link above to see this handsome couple.


William Humphrey Lester, Sr.

According to a distant cousin that I met online, William Lester was once one of the largest cotton growers in the country. Read here about his involvement with a group known as "The Regulators."


John Seymour Pickett II

Like the Collers, the Picketts were another pioneer family that suffered great hardship to settle the territory of Florida. Their story is told on the Nassau County, FL GenWeb site. Follow the link above to read it.


Maria Ponce

Several of my ancestors, including the Ponce family, came from Minorca to start a new colony in Florida. You can read the history of this endeavor by using the link above.

John A. Thompson

John was one of several of my ancestors who fought in the Civil War. He was wounded at Chancellorsville in 1863 but continued fighting. According to muster rolls, he was wounded again on May 9, 1864 and wound up in the hands of the enemy. In Dec. 1864, he was still listed as missing in action. Click the link above to read a letter he sent home after Chancellorsville.


Henry Wyche, Sr.

Henry Wyche was Rector of Sutton in Surrey County, England. Click his name above to read his last will and testament.


John and Agnesia Zeigler

The Zeiglers were part of a devout group of Lutherans known as the Salzburgers. They were forced to flee Austria in order to escape religious persecution. Follow the links below to learn more about their story.

Georgia Salzburger Beliefs

Georgia Salzburger Society


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