chick line

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Welcome to Gwen's EGGcitng Home Page
where you can watch a Cockatoo Chick
or Macaw Chick hatch and mature before your eyes.
If you only have time to visit one page,
make it one of the hatch pages.
I have added some new and EGGciting
rain and snow applets to the Applet Gallery!
If your browser does not support Java,
NOW is the time to update it!
Best viewed with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

Enjoy your flight! Come back again soon!
Don't forget to leave your tracks in my Guestbook!

dancing eggAnim Cockatoodancing egg

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<BGSOUND SRC="talk2animals.mid"> Note: Replace "music.mid" with the actual file name you have.
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Background by Gwen
updated 01/01/02

chick line