Georgia's Haven Of Rest

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls." Matt. 11:28, 29

Welcome to all of you who visit this page. My prayer is that you'll find a place where you, as a Pastor's wife, can come and know that someone has been where you've been and may be experiencing some of the same things that you are..I'm here for you for prayer, encouragement and fellowship as are the many other pastor's wives who visit this page..

This, by no means, is ONLY exclusively for pastor's wives.....If you love the Word...and pray for others...and like to hum a tune....Please are WELCOME here too..

Remembering the survivors, lost and the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania...

"9-11-2001.. a day that we won't easily forget thousands who have died and the many who have been injured in this terrible tragedy and national emergency.. Our prayers go out to the families and the many that have been affected by this horrible time in America's history.. God IS STILL on the throne.. Let us not forget it.. and PRAY America!!!!! The Lord God is giving us an opportunity.... don't let this go unheeded.. ".

Don't let the praying stop now...please feel free to stop by the Prayer Room below ANYTIME.. and offer your special prayers for our nation...!

"Whom have I in heaven but You? I desire you moe than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever."

Psalm 73:25-26 NLT


Now You Have Me, God

Now you have me, God!
You have me irrevocably.
No reserve
No retreat
No turning back.

Now You have me, God!
All I feel
All I long withheld.
My resistance
My stalwart resolves
My crumbling dreams
My glittering awards
My blind alleys.

Now You have me, God!
All which is past
All which is now
All that may yet unfold.
The barriers are broken.
The turmoil has stilled
Your Word is my Yes
Your notes are my song.

Now You have me, God!
You knocked
And still knocked
And I opened the door.
Now at last---
At long last
I know:

As the rushing sea.
As a meadow at twilight.
As a towering mountain.
As a wide-eyed child
Who walks
In the gentle rain
A father's hand.

Taken from "The One Year Book of Bible Promises" by Ruth Harms Calkin

Copyright 2000 by Tyndale House Publishers

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Time For A Song.....Sing Out Loud...

"Only one life to offer
Jesus my Lord and King
Only one tongue to praise Thee
And of Thy mercies sing
Only one heart's devotion
Savior, O may it be
Consecrated alone to Thy matchless glory
Yielded fully to Thee.

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