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True Peace
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Come unto Me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11: 28 NIV



Lord, help me on this sea of life
toward that Eternal City,
to not pass up the wayside ports--
Compassion, Love, and Pity.

Oh, let me not be so absorbed
in making a safe landing
for my small barque I'll miss the port
of human understanding.

Oh, let me not be so engrossed
in reaching that blest goal,
I'll fail to hear the faint, far cry
of some lost, sinking soul.

Oh, let me not forget, dear Lord,
that I was once lost too,
and someone took the time to point
me lovingly to You.

Life's sea is rough, the night is dark
for little ships that roam,
please let me be a lifeline, Lord,
to lead them safely home.........A.H.Mortenson


My God, I thank Thee who has made
the earth so bright,
so full of splendor and of joy,
beauty and light.
So many glorious things are here,
noble and right!

I thank Thee, too, that Thou has made
joy to abound,
so many gentle thoughts and deeds
circling us round,
that in the darkest spot of earth
some love is found.

I thank Thee more that all our joy
is touched with pain.
That shadows fall on brightest hours,
that thorns remain,
so that earth's bliss may be our guide,
and not our chain.

I thank Thee, Lord, that Thou hast kept
the best in store,
we have enough, yet not too much
to long for more. A yearning for a deeper peace,
not known before.

I thank Thee, Lord, that here our souls,
though amply blest,
can never find, although they seek,
a perfect rest,.....
nor ever shall, until they lean
on Jesus' breast!
....A.A. Procter


Purest gold's often found in the valley,
and not on a mountain's steep shelves.
And it's sometimes in life's dark, low places
we find the real gold in ourselves!
You will find inner power in your weakness,
for God's precious promise is true,
and new strength will be yours, as you trust him,
For His grace is sufficient for you!.......Jon Gilbert

"He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for
My strength is made perfect in weakness."....2 Corinthians 12:9

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