The Queen and Her Court

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Phantom™............Hi. On the Internet everyone knows me as Phantom.. but my real name is Sue. I was born April 17,1948 and yes before you get your calculators out, I will be 56 this year. I enjoy cross stitching, reading, bowling, computers, concerts and have most recently taken up golf. I also work a full time job and sometimes work 2 other part time jobs but I also like to have fun. Don't let the age fool you. I am really a kid at heart. I have a passion for collecting stuffed animals. I want to return to Disney World and swim with the dolphins...Just a dream...but how can you live if you don't work for your dreams? As you can see by the updated picture, my dream has come true...all because of a wonderful man I met...2 years ago..He is the light of my life now...You can read below about him.

Ed..........Ed was "my knight in shining armor" for 23 years. He was the most wonderful, caring, loving man I have ever known. The magic that surrounded us in our years together was woven by a tapestry rich in mutual love, respect, trust, chivalry, and faith. On March 22,1997 my knight lost his battle with cancer and departed this earthly world for a more heavenly kingdom.

Hollie..........The youngest princess in the kingdom. She left, however, to join with Tim in July 1996. They reside in their own little castle in the same area as me and have a little princess of their own, Ciara. Ciara's little sister made her presence known, loud and clear at 5:30 p.m. January 5th. Weighing in at 7 pounds 3 ounces she has a headful of black hair. Cheyenne Renee is a real cutie and looks just like Ciara when she was born. She's a grandma's little dream.

Carol............She is the oldest of my two daughters. After 5 years of unchivalrous attitude from her father I banished him from the kingdom. *LOL* Carol is married with two children Gracie and Tylerthe cutest and greatest grand kids on this earth.LOL She has her own hearth in Alabama with her(second husband) Mike.

Johnny.......At the present time he is my constant shadow, wherever I go, watching over me and making sure that I am never out of his sight. He is a most gallant fellow in his own way and if you were to look into his big brown eyes, you would see a big heart bursting with love. Johnny is a full blooded cocker spaniel whose kingdom title is Jonathan Sterling Arnett. Teak is Johnny's lady and her title is Hershey's Chocolate Mys-tique. They are a handsome couple, don't you think?

Jerry..........We have been dating for 2 years now and it has been the most incredible 2 years of my life...this man is such a sweetheart. He is everything to me and I know this coming year will be the best ever. He has brought me more joy than I could ever expect. I am SOOO lucky to have found this man..well....actually...we found each other...we both grew up in West Portsmouth. I never felt that love would ever touch my heart again...but now it has...and its still growing.

In Memory of Eternal Flame for you.