Ole Evanson Kjonaas
Ole Evanson Kjonaas was age 39 when he and his wife Ingeborg, (age 33) and their children Hans, (age 9) Margit, (Margaret) (age 5) and Ingeborg (Isabel or Elizabeth) (age 2) emigrated from Bo(/)  Telemark, Norway, on the ship ARGO.
Ole's wife Ingeborg died on board the ship on the way to the "new" country America. She was buried at sea.
Ole and the 3 children arrived in New York on July 21, 1843. They went to Vernon Twp. (or Fox River Twp.) Waukesha County Wisconsin.  Ole Evanson Kjonaas used the name Ole Evanson in Wisconsin. He is buried (1876) in the Lutheran Cemetery in Muskego, Wisconsin. The Vernon Twp., Waukesha City, Wisconsin census records give the following information.
1850 Census
Ole Evanson   46 Farmer   $500   R.E. born in Norway.
Ragnill, Wife   30 born in Norway.
Margaret         13 born in Norway.
Elizabeth          9 born in Norway.
Ole                  6 born in Wisconsin.
1860 Census
Ole Evanson   56 Farmer  $1,000  R.E. born in Norway.
Ann   Wife      48 born in Norway.
Ole                 16 Farmer born in Wisconsin.
Henry               3 born in Wisconsin.
Marenda           2 born in Wisconsin.
Submitted by: Manley Kjonaas & Leroy Kjonaas
Typed by: Richard Kjonaas
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