age 5, she just started school.
Because it was walking distance
she thought she could just come
home whenever she felt like it,
so she did on the first day.
It created quite a scare, the school
called because they couldn't find
her. An hour later, I found her
playing out in the yard.
You guessed it, she never did that
again after she found out she had
to stay there until the teacher
said it was time to go home.
age 7,
she really cracked me up
when she asked me this question
one day during our many chats:
She said, "Mom, back in the
Olden Days, did you have
to go to Albertsons' in a
covered wagon?"
I still find myself laughing
over this one. I'ts one of those
things I will never forget,
as long as I live.
age 12 she wrote this:
color as bright as the morning sun
A lonely daisy stood
Ignored by almost everyone
Except for those who were truly good.
A Little child passed by one day
And saw the daisy weep
He stopped his happy joyful play
And took the daisy home to keep.
put it in his mothers' vase
Then saw the daisy smile
You should have seen his mothers' face
As she took it from the child.
daisy never wept again
It was happy as could be
For in the child it found a friend
And filled a mothers' day with glee