Dedicated to my special and much loved son

Here you will see him grow up in pictures and find a few amusing stories.
 And anything else I think you might enjoy.










Right around age 5, as most kids do,
he decided to give himself a hair cut.
Cut huge hunks out, I had no
choice but to get out the clippers
and buzz his head. He was all
excited about getting a new do
until I was all finished and he
went to see himself in
the mirror. He took one
look and promptly burst into
tears......he thought he was
going to be bald forever!












Tom had several jobs while in school.
He did yard work for a lady to
get his first car. A real fixer upper.
It was buried in blackberry bushes!

But he cleared out the bushes,
And got the car out, painted it
got it all running great and
later sold it to buy a new one.

He started out working at
Burger King for a while
And then switched over to
Working at McDonald's.

For the first few days at McD's
He kept goofing up and
Saying... " Welcome to Burger King,
may I help you?" Silly kid.











Here he is all
grown up. Still
has those wonderful
dimples too!
 This is one of my
favorite pictures
of him.





He had this
picture take as
a special favor
for me. Actually
he keeps telling
me that he hates
this one.





And I just thought I would throw in a couple of extra pictures for you.

The top one is of Tom's saltwater fish tank, one of his hobbies. Isn't it beautiful .. and this is real!

The bottom one on the left is a picture of Tom with his sister, Leigh Ann.

And, the one on the bottom to the right is Tom with 2 of his birds, Lilly and Maxine. Another of his loves.

And here is Tom's pride and joy.....His two fantastic children. T.J. and Katie

