A message from Acadian Rose
and the Eagle of Millerton

These are harsh words for harsh times.
It is time to point fingers at the real 
reasons why our kids are dying.
It is time to take responsibility for
what we as adults have allowed to
happen to the children. 
How many more tears will have to be shed
before America wakes up to the needs
of the children? How much more sorrow
must there be? How much more
pain must the children suffer
before adults speak out and take
a stand for the morals that have
been destroyed by the attitude
that children do not need discipline
tempered with love? How many more
coffins will have to be filled with
the lives of innocent kids who
through no fault of their own
did not please a lost soul, filled
with anger, pain and evil. All because
of how  they looked, the beliefs they
held?  All children are equated
equally and have the right to live
in peace.  Why must these kids
die before they have had a chance
to live to become adults and help
to change the things that are wrong
in America?  Why do we deny that
there is a God and that we can live in 
peace and in harmony? Where is
the government who can pray in
their council rooms, but deny Americans
the right to pray in school assembly for 
fear of "offending" the ungodly?

"Where are you going, my little one, little one? 
Where are you going, my baby so fair? Turn
around and you're two, turn around and
you're four. Turn around and you're 
a young child going out of the door."

Let there NOT be anymore tears for our
youth and for the dedicated teachers who
try to guide and lead them to adulthood.

Why Our Kids Die

 Our Schools today
But no golden rule days.
Prayer is banned
Faith denied.
Pledge of Allegiance
Forbidden to say.
Outside influences
Gather around,
Turn our kids
Upside down
When all they want
Is to belong.
Parents and Teachers ask,
Where did they go wrong?
Look above to see
Theology born again.
Family values
Morals and Respect.
Not what's for me
But for thee.
With a pure heart
Look and see.
Lost faith - No hope
Are the Reasons why - Our Kids Die.

By:  Ed  Mentz, Sr.
© 19 January 1998
The Eagle of Millerton

All Rights Reserved

We Are The Reasons Why

The beginning starts the end,
The End is a new beginning.
Souls cry out but do not shout.
Push comes to shove,
Revenge conquers tenderness.
Snap, Crackle, Pop - Why?
Degradation of self worth
Gives insane killing birth.
Off goes a gun,
Posterity blown apart.
Pipe bombs not smart.
Knock, Knock, who is a jock?
Who's to blame with no shame?
Teasers or trigger squeezer?
Both hurt and hate the same.
Political bandages covering
Deeper reasons underlie.
Gun control is a lie,
Solves nothing by and by.
Society as a whole
Must look down that hole
Where they will bury
Innocent and depraved souls.
Why do you ask, why?
Open your eyes - Realize
We are changing our World
Materialism surpassing Spiritualism.
Technology is destroying Ecology.
Chemical and biological warfare
Assaulting blood cells everywhere.
Universal poisoned water and fouled air,
Minds being impaled - Confusing right from wrong.
Just listen to some punk rock songs.
Wake up before We All Cry!
Our Sons and Daughters have died,
But we know not why?

The Eagle Of  Millerton
© 21 April, 1999
Ed  Mentz, Sr.
All Rights Reserved

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Dedicated to the children
who have died in our
schools through violence.


Let there NOT
Be Anymore Tears!

Acadian Rose

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Page Copyright
Rose C. Webb
All Rights Reserved

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The Graphic used on this page is
Copyrright of Ed Mentz, Sr.
All Rights Reserved

Graphic Set Design is Coyrighted by
Rose C. Webb
All Right Reserved

Email Acadian Rose For Permission
to use the Angel of  Hope Graphic.
The animated candle is public domain, 
but the red candle is a tube created 
by others for my use.



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