© Copyright 1998 to 2004 BAS

Convair Rockhound Association

Row of pebbles

2004-2005 Officers

President Jerry Lohmann
Vice President open
Treasurer Jim Claypool
Secretary Lynda Lohmann
CFMS Director open

Board Members

Al Thompson 2 year
Bob Cadman 2 year
Lynne Cadman 2 year
Gary Clark 1 years
Linda Clark 1 years

Committee Chairs

County Council Representative open
Field Trip open
Historian/Librarian Bobby Plunkett
Hospitality Emmeline Ellis
Juniors open
Membership Phyllis Mahoney and Gary Draper
Program Bob Cadman
Raffle/Door PrizesProgram Bob and Bobby Plunkett
Refreshments Elaine Thompson and Phyllis Mahoney
Show and Tell John Duncan
TEKTITE Editor Betty Aron Schneider

Row of pebbles

For more information

Main Page      Newsletter  Dates to Remember

Officers 2004-2005     Membership