Convair Rockhound Association
2004-2005 Officers
President | Jerry Lohmann |
Vice President | open |
Treasurer | Jim Claypool |
Secretary | Lynda Lohmann |
CFMS Director | open |
Board Members
Al Thompson | 2 year |
Bob Cadman | 2 year |
Lynne Cadman | 2 year |
Gary Clark | 1 years |
Linda Clark | 1 years |
Committee Chairs
County Council Representative | open |
Field Trip | open |
Historian/Librarian | Bobby Plunkett |
Hospitality | Emmeline Ellis |
Juniors | open |
Membership | Phyllis Mahoney and Gary Draper |
Program | Bob Cadman |
Raffle/Door PrizesProgram | Bob and Bobby Plunkett |
Refreshments | Elaine Thompson and Phyllis Mahoney |
Show and Tell | John Duncan |
TEKTITE Editor | Betty Aron Schneider |