Hi everyone, my name's Jonathan Riley and my mommy thought it would be a good idea for me to introduce myself. I was born February 27th, 1997 at 8:35 am. I weighed 8 lbs 5.5 oz. and was 21" long. I just had my first birthday and the last time we checked I weighed 26 lbs. and was 38" long. Tall and skinny, just like Daddy. I don't like to get weighed, everytime I go there someone pokes me with a needle. Something about immunizations or something. Mommy says that Daddy needs to get a second job so they can keep up to my appetite. I potatoes with gravy, shrimp, and cheesies! I'm kind of partial to pickles too! I've had a exciting last couple months. I'm learning more and more each day, and keeping mommy on her toes. I started walking at 10 months, and have now progressed to running. I just love it when people chase me, makes me laugh really hard. I'm also learning just how much trouble I can get into. I found a cup the other day, and before Mommy knew what was happening, I had managed to scoop out some water from the toilet and have a good drink. Mommy had this really weird look on her face, don't know why, I thought it was pretty tasty. My sisters also brought home the chicken pox a few months ago. That was NO fun!!! Mommy kept on wandering around the house, mumbling something about the true definition of hell being a 11 month old with chicken pox. Some times I just don't understand that lady! But she is good at giving me snuggles, so I guess I'll keep her. I'm starting to say a few words, it seems sooo important to the folks, so I try throwing them a occasional bone or two. I can say Da da, dad, daddy, ma ma, mom, mommy, depending on my mood of course, and how big a hug I want. Lately, I've decided to call everyone Daddy, mostly because it drives Mom crazy. I try to say my sister Tiana's name, but it comes out more like na na, which is okay cause everyone always calls her Tiana Banana. Everything with fur is now a doggy, and I did say Santa. A boy knows where his priorities lie. Don't want to tick the big guy off, lol. I live with my mommy and daddy, John and Shari, in BC, Canada. I also have two sisters, Brittany Lynn is 10 and she just loves me. Shes convinced that I'm the cutest baby in the world. Who am I to argue! She was really sick with cancer, but she is doing great now. Tiana Ashley is my other sister, shes 8 and thinks I'm pretty special too. To see pictures of them, click on their names, you can also click on my name up above, to see more pictures of me, or click HERE to see the most recent pictures of me. This is mommy's first attempt at making a webpage, so go easy on her, she's really trying.
Mommy also says that this e-mail thing is a great thing, so if you have a moment drop me a line or sign my guest book. Bye for now! Come back soon!
please feel free to use this graphic and link back to to help spread awareness and keep alive "Hunter's Hope" another special site I helped develop
to go to a special place my mom made for some special people :o) E-mail Jonathan or his mom GUESS WHAT!!I now have my own award! If you would like to apply for it just send Mommy a email with your URL and email address, and "Jonathan's Award" in the subject line. Mommy only asks that the page be reasonably well done, and safe for kids. This is what it looks like.
Brittany also now has her own special award, if you would like it or know anyone that you think deserves it, just let me know.
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