My Heritage Page
Cherokee Flag - Hawaiian Flag
Cherokee Nations Seal --- Hawaiian Coat-of-Arms
Chief's Headdress - Ali'i Headdress
My Name is Jack Larkins. I am 56 years of age and of white skin.
I am of Cherokee, Hawaiian, French, German and English
ancestry, and very proud of all facets of my heritage.
All of these combined have molded me into who I am today.
I was taught that without pride and respect for oneself and one's
heritage, one cannot show respect nor pride for others.
I am not proud, however, of what some individuals, within these
ethnic groups, have done in the past,and continue to do today.
Prejudice, bigotry and the destruction of the environment, can
no longer be tolerated by society, if the human race is to live on.
Native American Prayer for Peace
Oh, Great Spirit who dwells in the sky,
lead us to the path of peace and understanding,
let all of us live together as brothers and sisters.
Our lives are so short here, walking upon
Mother Earth's surface. Let our eyes be opened to
all blessings you have given us.
Please hear our prayers, Oh, Great Spirit.