The Hula
The hula is the folkdance of the Hawaiian
people which interprets the words and
meanings of the rhythmic dance chants
called the mele hula. In the
most common form of the hula, the
dancer's body remains relatively stable,
his feet mark the time, and
his arms and hands describe or interpret
the meanings of the words in
the mele hula.
In the more exuberant forms the
dancers move about entertainingly using
the body as well as the feet and hands.
Facial expressions vary according
to the type of hula being danced.
The dances and chants were taught
by kumu hula, a skilled man or woman.
of great dedication. Most often
the "school" was a large thatched.
structure, the halau hula, spacious and airy.
and closed on all sides against
the spying eyes of the villagers.
After long and arduous training,
the students were ready to graduate with
a ritual called the 'uniki. After
a ceremonial bath in the sea,
they sat down to the feast of ai-lolo
where they ate the pig which was
prepared especially for them. Songs
and chants lifted the kapu, relatives
and friends came to congratulate
the graduates, who performed the dances
and chants which they had learned.
The ho'opa'a ( to learn or memorize)
are the older men and women,
once dancers, but now those who
chant for the dancers and accompany
themselves on the pahu, ipu,
or other instruments
The Hula Kahiko
The missionaries, early in their labors of
teaching and preaching, attempted to
stamp out the hula, which they found most
objectionable. In 1830, Kuhina-nui
Ka'ahumana, by then a convert to
Christianity forbade public hula performances.
the fun-loving young Kamehameha III,
after Ka'ahumanu's death, relaxed this edict
and other strict practices. But by
1835 he followed the wishes of his missionary
advisors and again barred the hula.
During these years knowledgeable
elders in the country districts,
away from the mission stations,
taught the hula. People of influence in
these areas invited the dancers into
their homes to entertain. In
this way the hula traditions were
kept alive.
Kalakaua is credited with the revival
of the hula, the recitation of the mele
hula, and the use of the instruments
associated with the dance. These
performances were a colorful part of the
entertainment at his court and at his
coronation in 1993. Again at the King's
50th birthday jubilee in
1886, he was honored with many public
performances of the hula. these dances
revived at Kalakaua's time and those
remembered from still earlier days are
called today the hula kahiko -
the ancient dances.
The Hula 'Auana
The modern hula is usually danced to
songs with melodies, not the chanted
mele hula. These performances are presented
with greater emphasis on the motions than
on the words, although the motions
do interpret the word meanings
to some extent.
('Auana to wander, drift, stray or go
from place to place)
Hula Implements
Hula Pahu - Hula Drum
Pounding a melodic beat for
the hula, the ho'opa'a (chanter and drummer)
uses the pahu to produce tones for
the chant. The pahu is constructed from
a partially hollowed-out tree trunk
with a shark skin stretched
over the top.
'Uli'uli :
Feather Gourd Rattle
The 'uli'uli is a small gourd
(la'amia) containing seeds (ali'ipoe)and
fitted with a handle which ends
in a flat circular top fringe of
cock feathers. The dancer traditionally
holds one 'uli'uli in the right
hand and shakes it to produce the
rattling sound. The left hand is free
to carry out the graceful interpretive
motions of the hula. But in modern
times, dancers use one 'uli'uli
in each hand.
Pu'ili : Split Bamboo Rattle
The pu'ili is a split bamboo rattle
(pu - to sound, 'ili- bark or skin).
A piece of bamboo some 20 inches
long and one and one-half to two
inches in diameter is split into narrow
strips or strands except for a
section of about five inches at
one end, which serves as a handle.
Bamboo is cut away to leave spaces
between the strands. The player or
dancer produces a rustling sound
when he or she taps the pu'ili against
his, or his partner's shoulder or arm,
the floor mat, or another pu'ili.
Ipu heke :
Double Gourd Drum
The ipu heke is made by affixing
the heke ( top squat gourd) to
the 'olo (long, globular bottom gourd).
Ipu heke are used by the chanter
who thumps out a rhythm on the
ground or mat as well as with
their hand. The ipu is one
of the most important instruments
in marking time and emphasizing the
rhythm of the chant and the hula.
'Ili'ili : Stone Castanets
Water-worn stones in which nature
has done the shaping. Two are held
in each hand and clicked together.
Kala'au: Hula Sticks
Ka means to strike, la'au is wood.
These sticks are made in pairs and
are beaten together to give time
to dance.