The Attack Cat

I rescued Inky from the shelter eleven years ago. She
was almost full grown when she came to live with us.

Inky has a bit of an attitude problem.
She can be a bit feisty sometimes, but she can also be sweet.
She's the boss of the house, and she makes sure
everyone knows it.

She does have a very sweet side. She licks me
when I tell her to give me a kiss, and she's super friendly
when she's hungry! She's my little buddy & I love her dearly.

Inky began having difficulty swallowing in August of 2002.
After numerous trips to the vet and dozens
of tests, she was diagnosed with a slow growing cancerous
tumor in her chest near her heart. The vet gave her
a shot of cortizone to try to shrink the swelling
of the tumor, and it worked. She now takes oral steroids
to keep the tumor's growth to a minimum.
It's been almost four years, and she seems to be doing
just fine, although the vet still tells me not to get
my hopes up. Sooner or later, the tumor is going to get
away from us, and I will lose my little buddy :(
For now, she's being spoiled rotten, and loving every
minute of it.

Pages that Inky's been known to attack


Meet our other cat
Meet the beast my daughter just adopted


This Cat Ring site is owned by -Diana-.
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