and other silly thoughts

First of all- the little creatures you see all over this page.
I could do without them. They scare me no matter what size or type *L*

Life insurance phone solicitors-this is beginning to worry me!
I get a half dozen calls a week, from someone who wants
to give me a 3 month free trial of life insurance. After the trial,
if I'm not happy with it, I can cancel- if I'm satisfied, I can buy it. someone trying to tell me something??After all...what IS
life insurance?If I'm happy with it, well....

While I'm on the subject of phone soliciting...I must say,
I'm very happy with my long distance phone company. I
really don't need 10 calls a week!

WORK! Why in the world do we need to work? There should
be a law against this!!

Crumbs! I really get tired of wiping crumbs off of
my stove, table, counters, and every other surface that my
family can manage to crumb up!!

Homeless brother-in-laws...don't even get me started on this one...
I don't think I have enough free space to write about it *L*

and while I'm on the bro-in-law subject....

Snow and cold- hey- I LIKE it here, but can't
tolerate the cold. Why should I have to move? Why can't
the warm weather come to me??

Grumpy men! They think Women have PMS??? HA!

Rude drivers. If you don't like the way I drive, get off of my back
bumper & put your finger back in your pocket!!

Being treated like I'm invisible!
I don't like being snubbed in life- or
online! It's also very upsetting to stand in a store line
for eternity, only to have the clerk look past me & wait on four other
customers before finally noticing me- then they say "Oh, I'm sorry!
Did you want something?" Just once I'd like to say "Heck No!
I'm just standing here for kicks!!"

Wrong numbers! Everyone dials a wrong number now & then,
and it's okay. What annoys me is when the phone
rings at 5am. I tell the caller it's the wrong
number, and they call back three times to ask
if I'm sure!

The Internet not working for me! I get so annoyed when
I can't get online. Then, after finally getting connected, my
browser crashes. Then I can't get at my e-mail. Then my
guestbook is down. Then my puter crashes!

Mornings! I'm not morning person. I get up
an hour early just so I can get myself oriented
before I have to move *L*

Sloppy cats! The ones who barf wherever they happen
to be,and leave mouse parts wherever they want!

LIARS! This should be at the top of my list!
It should also be connected to peeve #6. I hate
being lied to. If I ask someone how I look, I
want an honest answer. If my hair is standing
on end, and I have a black spot on my tooth, TELL ME *L*

Speaking of liars- what's with my bathroom scales??

dogs that don't know where to pee

Bugs! The skeeters are eating me alive
this year. The flies are invading my home...

more to come.....

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