
    ¡BIENVENIDOS! to the first  in a series  of stories written by el padre and myself  about the  sometimes humorous,    sometimes frustrating but always  rewarding search for our ancestors. There are some who discover genealogy and it becomes an occasional hobby, a pastime they can put down without a care and come back to it whenever they have the urge three, maybe six months later. Then, there are others for whom it is a passion and they have a fervor for genealogy which drives them to search and search until the cows come home. But yet again, there are those for whom genealogy is a beautiful obsession. Bookstand
Yes, people like you, and us, for whom "nuestros muertitos" are not just more names of people who lived a long time ago to look up in a census or old family records and to find and add to a file or a pedigree. We come to know each and every individual name in the family tree and forget when conversing amongst ourselves that the people we speak of so lovingly are not living, breathing human beings, as if they were still here with us and not centuries long gone. They are the reason that we take pride in ourselves as Boricuas "de pura sepa" and love our island beyond explanation. We cherish our ancestors and yours, for the big and the little contributions which they made to the New World and for so many, the very large personal sacrifices to help found and form el pueblo de Puerto Rico, an island with over five hundred years of history.


As we begin our first story, we invite you to join us in our search for our beloved "nuestros muertitos". You'll find that the story of the search will mention many individuals from the past and we hope it is an innovative way to help you find or recognize clues to someone you've been missing from your family tree. Because, after all, they may be your muertitos, too. I think that we, el padre and I, share an inner feeling that somehow, somewhere, they are all looking down on us from some heavenly arena, all together, the found and the yet to be found, strolling together, charlando and laughing while others play dominos and canasta and copas (especialmente nuestra 'buelita) and the air is full of the aroma of arroz con gandules, pasteles and lechón (you know they have to have that up there!) and every once in awhile, one of them will smile and their eyes will twinkle as we come ever closer to finding them in some musty, forgotten old tome.

And then......, someone will glance down from "MUERTITO HEAVEN" and give one of the primos a nudge and he will pass it on until they are all nodding their heads knowingly, pleased that somewhere, someone, you and me, mentions their names and their lives have really meant something and that they have not been forgotten like some lost souls stuck in the in-between land of the before discovery and the nearly discovered. While in the background, you can hear the strumming of a guitar (Pedrito Crespo) accompanied by the gentle hum of a harmonica (Tio Tan) and the soft beat of the timbales (nuestro querido hermano, Chanto) and then el gallito de Tío Tana will rustle his feathers and stretch his head up to the heavens crowing raucously from his roost as their whispers and mutterings grow ever louder and louder as the word finally gets around. We can only imagine the undertones of pride and happiness as they murmur approvingly in one voice.......................


"Muertito Heaven Story One"


"La Segunda Parte"


"La Tercer Parte"

Angel Wings

"El Patrón... Más Claro No Canta un Gallo"
White Roses

Golden Angel
"The Puzzle: The Maldonado Connection"


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©Copyright Oct.30, 1996. Ana C. Oquendo Pabón, M.D., José Antonio Oquendo Pabón, Pbro., STL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

©Copyright 1997. "Nuestros Muertitos and "Muertito Heaven". Ana C. Oquendo Pabón, M.D., José Antonio Oquendo Pabón, Pbro., STL. DERECHOS RESERVADOS.

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