Submission Guidelines - Ireland Database

This web site is intended to be a resource for all persons researching the surname Strong and its variations, Stronge, Strang, Strange, L'Estrange, Straughan, Strain, String, Strawn, etc., as they occured in Ireland, Scotland, or England. If you would like to add your Irish, Scots, or English Strong emigrant ancestors, or any known Strong(e)/Strang(e), etc., ancestors who were residents of Ireland, Scotland, or England, to either the IRELAND DATABASE, the SCOTTISH DATA- BASE, or the ENGLISH DATABASE, please fill in the form below providing the information required for each data field in the proposed record, as far as you are able. Note, we realize your knowledge of the indicated details may be limited. However, ANY information you are able to give us may provide a clue which can help us collate your record with other existing records presently, or acquired in the future, in the data base. Please also remember to forward a separate record form for each emigrant Strong ancestor known to you, eg., one each for husband, wife, father, mother, each child, brothers, sisters, etc. Please indicate known relationships.

If you are not familiar with the format of the complete Ireland Database, please review the sample data record and then return to this page to make your own submission. Return to the Irish Strongs Home Page

Please note that the Scottish and English Databases are still in the process of being designed and compiled. Any help you can provide will be appreciated! Thank you for your participation and support!

You can now submit your entry via this easy form!

Your Name:

Your E-Mail:

Your Home Page URL: if available

File Indicator: Ireland, Scotland or England


Name Variant















Source Name

Compiler Name

Family ID


This form created October 20, 1997 by Dave Strong
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