The first 8 websites below have been awarded with Laurel's Golden Stars Award for excellence in distictive appearance and quality content on their pages. The webmasters of these sites did not apply for this award. They could not, because I did not accept applications for this award at the time. These awards were granted because I found their websites and was duly impressed! I hope you will be also. Go visit them soon!
No Place Like Home For The Holidays
The winners listed below are also wonderful sites, worth your time to explore. They only difference is that were able to apply for consideration for the award because I now accept applications.
Requirements for being considered for the Laurel's Golden Stars Award
1. Your homepage must be family profanity or sexual content, jokes or talk about sexual orientation.
2. It must have all links and images in working order.
3. It must be a positive theme. It may NOT included dark subjects (ex: witchcraft, demons, death, suicide, etc.)
4. Although sometimes considered uplifting, no explicite New Age teachings....what can I tell you, it's my award and I have to go with my beliefs. While I can be friends with you and respect your right to your way of thinking, I don't have to promote a philosophy with which I don't agree.
5. As the award indicates, it must include balance and appeal in appearance, as well as quality content. Pages devoid of content substance will not be considered. A page of links only, is not substance.
6. Lastly, you must sign my guestbook. (No exceptions on this!) Isn't that the least we can do for each other? I'd sure sign your book!
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