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Creatures 3 Paradise

COS Files and Agents

© Copyright CyberLife and Mindscape

Updated March 13, 2000

We are using script numbers
33,000 to 33,100

Hoppity Poppities!!!

Hoppity Poppities (03-13-00) When those Hoppities start getting on your nerves, just click on them and watch them go kaboom!

Bluebells and Grass for the desert

More COS Files (03-13-00) More Apples and Pumperspikel Seeds; Bluebells, Grass and Grasshoppers for the desert; faster recharge for the Cheese Machines; tons of Plus-Minus Machines all over the ship.

Rainbow Colored Critters

Rainbow Colored Critters (03-13-00) Critters and things in random rainbow colors. (Ant, Aquamite, Ball, Balloon Bug, Cheesyfood, Dragonfly, Hedgehog, Hoppity, Kobold, Nudibranch, Orange Sponge, Snail, Stickleback, Wyst)

Chicken, Norn Doll, and Flowers from Creatures Adventures

Chicken (01-22-00) Here's the chicken from Creatures Adventures. Five of them appear in the Norn garden.

Edible Flowers (01-22-00) More Creatures Adventures flowers to add to the Norn garden.

Norn Doll (01-22-00) eem really bored. maybe push toy eem.

Modified Favorite Places (01-22-00) Tired of scrolling around? This .cos file has been modified so that the camera goes to the area in each room where we visit most often.

Modified cos files

Modified .cos files A megapack of modified objects, for example more colorful critters and larger quantities of apples and pumperspikel seeds. Also included are colorful Knowledge Stones that you can pick up and move, based on Jay D's Knowledge Stones.

CA Flowers for C3 Here are some flowers from Creatures Adventures for your C3 Norns to enjoy.

Parsnips and Radishes

Radish Here are the radishes from Creatures Adventures for your C3 Norns and Ettins. They grow near the cemetery and in the desert, the same places as Jay D's Desert Carrots.

Rainbow Parsnip These parsnips are from the Creatures Adventures garden, except now they are tinted in a rainbow of colors. They grow near the cemetery and in the desert.

How to use .cos files

Put the .c16 files into the Creatures 3\Images folder and put the .cos files into the Creatures 3\Bootstrap\001 World folder. Start up your Creatures 3 game and create a new world. These cos files will take effect in your new world, but they will not affect any of your previous worlds. Sorry, we have not learned how to convert .cos files into Agents yet. Maybe if we PRAY hard enough it'll work. In the mean time, if you want to put these objects into an existing world, you can use a CAOS Injector, such as the one created by Chris Double at Creatures Developer Resource

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