Welcome to the World of
"The Wildest Place in the Mississippi River Delta of Louisiana"

"No tradition ever dies until the last person who honors it dies" ---
Wallace Black Elk, Lakota Sioux elder

My Page is Dedicated to the Youth of Northeast Louisiana

and the programs of:

Outdoor Youth Education
Wildlife Programs
Environmental Education Programs


Well, In the event you are trying to figure who I am, this is
a good start. But look deeper than the picture.

Related Links I Use On the Internet

Tensas River National Wildlife Refuge
Louisiana Black Bear
Mississippi State 4H
Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries
Franklin Parish -- Louisiana
Madison Parish - Louisiana
In The Louisiana Canebrakes
Critters of the Tensas

Friends Met on the Cyber Road

During the design of these sheets, Pudding has provided her knowledge and patience. I can't say thanks in that many ways. But than to let you meet the Puddin that we know and love. Her experiences should cause all of us to stop and appreciate the goodness that each one of us has received in life, but never take the time to stop and appreciate these blessings of our lives. Thanks Cathy. You are, and will always, be one special lady !!! Nothing can ever change that!!! Don't change, just grow stronger each day.
Ms Puddin

I have met a lady who has her hands full with both truckers and trucks. Wondering...Which is the MOST difficult to deal with?? Well, at least she does have some good intrests and hobbies.

Carla, aka Red Orchid, is another friend I have met on the cyber road. She owns and operates a video store in Canada. When times are tough, she always has a joke that can bring a smile to anyone's face. Take a look.. You want be disappointed... Can promise you that!!!!
Red Orchid

I am a member of
SafeSurf Rated All Ages
The HTML Writers Guild
RSAC Rated All Ages

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in the meantime.

My last revision was March 19, 2007. If you have visited before that date, please RELOAD or REFRESH to see the changes I have made to the page....