These are links I have come across that have been very usefull to me or liked, homepages that have been submit to include on the list

If you would like your homepage or have a link you would like to see added please email me at the address below with url, name of page and any other information you would like to be included.

A Barrel of Genealogy Links

The American Civil War Homepage

American Revolutionary War Soldiers and Their Descendants--Contains emails and/or url's of descendants or persons who can give background on Revolutionary soldiers that are listed. Also has link for French and Indian War Soliders.

Ancestry Home Town

Addie's Genealogy Emigration Ships List and Resources

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774-PresentSearchable site

Census Online

Connect With Surnames

Civil War Medal of Honor Citations

Civil War Medal Of Honor Recipients for New York

American Civil War MHI Photograph DatabaseSearchable Database of Civil War Photo's

Civil War PageFrom Dakota University Lots of Sources and Links

Who Owns Genealogy? Cousins and Copyrights by Gary B. HoffmanThis is from a FamilyTreeMaker.Com How to Article

The Genealogy Home Page

Cyndi's List Of Genealogy Sites on the Internet

Deciphering Old Handwriting

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships

Emigration / Ships Lists and Resoruces

The Free Useful Genealogy Stuff Page

Family History Show--A forum for family history enthusiasts on the texas Sate Network. Has lots of Surnames with Homepage Links

Family Tree Maker

Germans to America

GED2WWWA free GEDCOM to HTML converter

Catalogue of Medieval and Early Modern DeedsHarvard Law School Library arranged by Counties

GenConnect at Rootsweb Global Surname Search Site

Genealogy of US Presidents

Genealogy Surname Research Links One-Stop--Lots of Links

Genealogist's Index to the World Wide Web

Genealogy CD List

Genealogy Gateway To The Web

Genealogy Resources on the Internet

Ground Work-Genealogy on the InternetLots of Links

History On-Line--The Historical Search Website

The Historical Society Page

Immigrant Ships

Index of Ships World Wide 1851 - 1900

Index of Ships


LDS Church Sites

LDS FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Services

The Library of Virginia Digital LibraryA Project to preserve, digitize, and provide access to significant archival and library collections. Lots of information

List of Forms and other Genealogy Aids Web Sites

List of Occupations

Index to Maine Marriages 1892-1966

Media Info Links Online--Media Directory

Military History Institute-Has a Searchable Database of Photo's of Union Troops at this address--Photo's of Union Troops

My Virtual Reference Desk--Genealogy Resources

National Archives and Records Administration Genealogy Page

National Society Daughers of the American Revolution

National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution

Naval Historical Center, Early History Branch before 1880

Naval Historicial Center Publications

Net Guide Genealogist's Guide to Internet World Wide Web Sites by Subject

NewsDirectory.comSearch for Newspapers by Country Also Magazines by Subject

New England Historic Genealogical Society

Numbering Systems in Genealogy

The Obituary Link PageLinks for all States as well as Surname Links

Rootsweb Genealogical Data Cooperative

Royal Genealogical DataSearchable Site for genealogy of the British Royal family and those linked to it via blood or marriage relationships

SierraHome Family TreeCommercial Site but each Month has a Searchable DataBase. This Month (January) is The War of 1812

Ship List

Ships Passenger List by Year--From The Olive Tree Genealogy

1600's Ancestors Data Base Lots of Surnames with Reseachers listings

13 Originals, Founding of the American Colonies--History of. With lots of Links.

The Time Pages--An examination of Cycles in American History--Colonial Cycle 1584-1700

A Chronology of US Historical DocumentsFrom the Unversity of Oklahoma Law Center Pre Colonial Era to Present

Vital Records Information for The United States

Your Past ConnectionsA site for helping people find original items and memorabilia from their family's past

Birth Record Search Site For South Dakota Birth Records With Birth Dates Over 100 Years


Lasted Update June 9, 1999

copyright 1998/1999 judjack@rocketmail.com

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