Grayson's Dreams
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winter welcome
Grayson's Dreams

serenity prayer


Hello. My name is Faye and this is my second attempt at a webpage. All my thanks for my sister's help:}Without her I would be lost!

I live in Las Vegas for the last 21 years. I've been married, for 2 years now to my soulmate!:] That's my family in that picture. My oldest daughter has inherited my red hair. This is my husband Delton. Kids are Bryan, Carrie & Stephanie! My 17years old son. Lives with my exhusband.

Check out my husband business website. He into woodworking & Pre-Paid Legal. I will always have something new & diffrent going on. Please stop back. I'm always love new ideal to better my pages. Please feel free to sit back & look around!:o)

I love meeting new people, when your in Las Vegas. I love to meet & talk!:o) Let talk soon. I hope you enjoy my pages.Now sit back & relax, Thanks for stopping by :O) I want to wish everbody a great "1998" May all your dreams come true!

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Member of the Internet Redhead Club


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This woman creates some of the most attractive banners that I have ever seen! She's really talented. Check her out!

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My Favorite Links
My new Prayer & Healing page
My new page of webrings:}
Our Business Page & Delton's Homepage
My Awards NEW
My Soulmate and I
My Gifts, Odds & Ends Page! NEW
My Humor Page
My Thank You Page! NEW
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DaMama's Place--my sister's homepage
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"1999 love this song:o)"

I am proud to link to these places:

Thank you for the counter.

Thank you for the pretty background.

Thank you Heavenly Creations

Thank you for nice graphics.

Thank you for the nice gifts.
Skyy's site is down right now. If anyone has a new address for her, would you please e-mail me?

Thanks so much to for the very pretty serenity prayer that appears on this page.

Thank you for the nice graphics.                

The new Geocities button is from

Since March 1, 1998

Thank you for the free web pages.

site creaded-9-19-97 last updated-3-16-98