Guestbook Join 

First Name :   RICHARD
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   RELIGION
Comment :   wHAT A WONDERFUL SERVICE YOU OFFER. I thank you so very, very much.
First Name :   mm_gk
URL :   aaaaas
Email Address :
Hobbies :   fish
Comment :   
First Name :   CynDee
Email Address :
Hobbies :   crocheting, piano, cross-stitch, reading
Comment :   Thanks for allowing me to use your graphics. I put some on my son Will's page, if you would like to see them. I will be back. Thanks again, and God Bless. CynDee
First Name :   Julie Hiscock
Email Address :
Hobbies :   Camping, Swimming, Driving, and much more
Comment :   Thank you for providing a variety of valuable backgrounds. I liked the one of Jesus. You've done very well. God Bless
First Name :   Shari
Email Address :
Hobbies :   gardening,horses,photography,crafting and all sorts of things
Comment :   I wanted to let you know I saved some of your pictures I am just setting up a web community and I am starting to realize how mush work goes into it.If you like flowers and have time come look at what I ahve done. Your site is very nice. Thank You fot the
First Name :   Mike
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   music
Comment :   Great Page we all thank you so much for these wonderful backrounds and graphics!!
First Name :   samantha
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   Sitting @ the Computer
Comment :   
First Name :   carol`s
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   victorian age
Comment :   
First Name :   Erica
Email Address :
Hobbies :   
Comment :   I really like your page and your backgrounds and hope that you do not mind me using some of them. And I will gladfully put a link back to your page. You deserve the credit! Thanks!
First Name :   matt
URL :   n/a
Email Address :
Hobbies :   playing pool
Comment :   Ahhhhhhh!!!!!
First Name :   MaryBeth
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   embroidery, reading
Comment :   Great! Cute bears :)
First Name :   Kaitlyn
URL : (not completed)
Email Address :
Hobbies :   Web Design
Comment :   I loved your backgrounds and images alot!
Date :   8-15-01
First Name :   Diana
URL :   
Email Address :   
Hobbies :   Bible Study
Comment :   Thanks for letting me use your computer while mine is down. I will be downloading some more graphics and as always I love your work! Your good friend.....
Date :   08-20-2001
First Name :   David
Email Address :
Hobbies :   Webpages and Design
Comment :   You have a great site, your one of my favorites now :~)
Date :   22/08/2001
First Name :   Amitava
URL :   
Email Address :
Hobbies :   Internet, Reading
Comment :   Superb backgrounds, especially the Egyptian ones.