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This is a collection of pics I have found in public domain to use for cards and sharings I have done while on the puter
SEE disclaimer at bottom
These are cuties that sharing with others on their special day will help add to something we all have ONE of each and every year whether we want it or not..**LOL**So everyone just enjoy sharing all that this day needs to mean to everyone...

Click here to DownLoad a copy of a Birthday Card you can print up ..This is in a zip be sure u have a unzipper to get to it ..I LOVE IT..wish I were smart enough to do these but I will one day when I grow up ..LOL..Enjoy what I find fun on puter time..*S*

This is all I have up for now...I dont want to make a collection of this..This is just what I have used to make pages and to do fun things with so far...
If any of these belong to someone or an artist has a (c) on any please just let me know and I will remove or add a link..