I have no music playing on this page as it plays Happy Birthday Music by clicking the links to pick your selection you want to hear
Happy Birthday Music
to save to your harddrive and send to friends and family on their special day
Click to listen/choose which one you want to use
Happy Birthday Song
Version 1 (13kb)
Version 2 ( 5kb)
Version 3 ( 12kb)
Version 4 ( 15kb)
Version 5 ( 9kb)
Version 6 ( 11kb)
Version 7 ( 11kb)
Version 8 ( 32kb)
Version 9 ( 33kb)
Version 10 ( 7kb)
Version 11 ( 9kb)
Version 12 ( 30kb)
Version Millenium (3 kb)

These are wavs of Happy Birthday Versions
U will enjoy sharing these with someone on their special day

Happy Birthday sung by Duckie voice

Female Sexy Voice - Happy Birthday to You

Birthday Guitar Sounds!!

Childs' Voice saying "I LOVE YOU "

This section will be for links of my designed Personal Sharing "Happy Birthday Pages"
and links of good, funny, helpful, useful and some not so useful but worth something as I have collected them in my bookmarks over the yrs..

Birthday Pics and cards

Each Day of the Yr and its Meanings?? LOL

I have collected all these sharings during my surfing or friends have sent them to me over the yrs...
If any of these have an aritst or composer..Please just email me for correction to this and I will post the link to the original person for they are they true aritists here..
I am just the tool of sharing them with others

If you have problems finding your way around my site please E~mail me for help.

Click the arrow on the menu for a listing of main catagory of pages. Your java will need to be turned on, on your computer to enable the drop down to work. Each listing will take you to that catagory for your viewing pleasure.
Enjoy your visit
~~Love and Light~
KySpirit Icq # 7212081

If you don't have java click listed to lead you to the catagories.
If you don't have java click listed to lead you to the catagories.
MainPage / Webmistress/ Poetry/Sharing / Jokes/ MUSIC/ Awards/
Webrings/ Holiday Pages / Games Page/ Original Homepage/ Country Album/Midi / E-mail me/ Angel Pages 10-98/ Guardian Angel11-98/ Totem Guides/Adoptees/ Designed map page/ Some~Friends Homepages/ Country Artists& Midi / Links url Poetry/Sharings/ View Current Guestbook/ View Previous Guestbooks/ Circle of Spiritual Woman/
Intelli$ource Stock Reports/

"On the Side of Angels"

It takes 43 muscles to frown, but only 17 muscles to smile.
That makes it 2.5 times easier to smile.

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Updated -99

To my knowledge I have abided by all of the copywriter's laws and ethics to the best of my abilities. If anyone has an original composition or graphic on this page and wish it to be removed please contact me via E-mail.
If there is anyone I have failed to acknowledge please excuse the oversight and contact me with the appropriate information so that proper credits may be promptly given.

~~Ky Spirit~~

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