As I sit on my front porch here in Kentucky USA, I feel the hot humid night air of this July 1999 night. The air is barely rustling the trees and leaves and this night seems to have a very calming affective feeling in the air. The humid air I can feel as if it touching my skin and spirit.

I sense and see so much at the same time but feel a much more stirring feeling than it just being a "HOLIDAY"

Originally I had completed a page that shared the words to our "Declaration Of Independence". But for some reason this night I feel I want to share more with everyone. Not only is this our countrys' birth holiday "BUT" we as the people of this UNITED STATES for being alive.

As I feel the night air and see the skies illuminate the wonders of the universe with stars twinkling brightly. I hear the mountains talking. Hearing the leaves rustle as animals skurry about and the lightning bugs are doing their own little light show making the earth sparkle and move. There is the loud echo of fireworks as they echo through the valleys and the most content feeling seems to fill my soul and being.

Our world we live is a wonderful place and safe. Where I live, in Kentucky USA is where many years ago the Hatfield & McCoy feud took place. Now I set here in much safe content feeling and know I am on my porch and in my home. This to all of us is what July 4th is to the United States of America. SAFETY, FREEDOM, and PEACE!!!

THis is not so true in bigger cities or in the homes of friends or families. This is a sad way of life for many and we are not privileged to these facts all the time to even help or to be aware of to lend that support of love.

I was talkin to a friend tonight on ICQ. I ask him if he was going to go see the fireworks. He said, "He wasnt going to the fireworks because its so far to go, 15 miles 1 way; then the crowds and traffic; once his age he had seen them at least 30 times; its not a big deal but if he was in love~then it would be nice."

So very true in most of our lives that 1 in a lonely # and if sharing is what takes to make happiness then alot of us need to rethink what goals we set for ourselves daily. The beauty of a sunset, the sounds of crickets at night, the sound of a babbling stream running over the rocks in it path. Simple things, such as a passing stranger smiling at you as they walk past or the sound of a baby crying and watching the mother hold and cuddle till the baby feels content.

Many things in our lives brings us joy, brings happiness, and brings contentment.

I felt that feeling tonight. "NO"!!!!, not from being at the fireworks exhibit. I got my dose as I set alone, in the darkness of this humid night, hearing the echoing of fireworks through the mountains and valleys. Seeing the lightning bugs flickering all around me. Not hearing traffic off in the distance on the highway, as most everyone was at the fireworks display. Seeing the shadows of the big trees stretching across the yard showing many things to the moment of time where I stood. Seeing the stars of this clear night shinning up above me and knowing I was fine alone. And having the company of a ground squirrel on the banister railing at the edge of porch. But I was not alone or empty. I have so much to be thankful for and so many wonders of life to yet experience and share with someone someday in my life.

Yes my dear friend, love happens in many ways in life. We just have to remember to stop and smell the roses and see what goodness is in our life, with friends, from the earth and in this big world.

Thanks to mother nature and my online friend who helped me focas my thoughts I now share this page with you.

We to often forget what this holiday is all about and if f it were not here to celebrate would mean to us, our children and our future.

A friend of mine June 25,1999 sent an email detailing what is occuring in her country, to her and to the lives of so many. I feel this is what this holiday sharing is all about. Let us remember how fortunate we are and also remember those who are not as safe, content or happy as we are at the sight of seeing the beautiful fireworks exploding , giving us a thrill that our hearts rejoice with every boom.

Below is an E-Mail that hopefully you will keep sharing with other friends, and them to theirs. No matter where we live or how old we are; this is reality that many others all over the world are experiencing. Our joy is also in need of parrelling prayers for our kindred spirits all over the world..

Prayers THAT ONE DAY ALL WILL BE FREE to enjoy the stars of the heavens and the spange sparkles of the skies.

This I share with you on this Independence Day 1999

Dearest sisters and friends,
I'm writing this as fast as I can becasue I don't know how long the power is going to hold out. I am a nervous wreck and about to break down.

Last night was the most awful night of my entire life and the most terrifying. I'm sure you've heard a bit of what happened on the news, but I'm also sure you never got the whole story. I want to tell it here in full, I need people to know exactly what happened, or I'll go mad.

At half past midnight I was thrown out of bed by the most awful explosion I ever heard. My first thought was to brace myself against the shockwave I expected, because the sound was so huge. But it didn't come. It wasn't an explosion: here is what happened.

Israeli fighter jets flew in for their annual "bash Lebanon" raid.

Every year around April to June, since Grapes of Wrath 4 years ago, they fly in, bomb some strategic sites, and fly out. They did this year what they do everytime: they destroyed 3 power plants out of the 4 we have. Beirut is in a total black-out. The power plants take a year to be put totally back into shape, just the time they need to come back and destroy them again.

This time they didn't limit themselves to power plants. They destroyed 4 bridges and some main roads, cutting off the south of the country completely -- so now it's basically theirs for the taking, if that's what they had in mind. They also bombed an urban area in Baalbeck.

But the most sadistic of it all is they're doing it at night. They approached the targets stealthily, at a very low altitude in order not to be detected by radars, launched their missiles, then broke the sound barrier at once to get out of there.

Dear friends, have you any idea what a sound barrier broken at so low an attitude sounds like, and what effect it has on you when it comes totally unexpected? Forget Armageddon and any war movie you've seen, this is the kind of sound that makes you wish you were dead, because the trauma is so unbearable. A friend of ours died of heart failure, and I'm sure he's not the only one. We were startled out of sleep not by one sound barrier tonight, but by 6, distributed between 12:30 and 5:30 am.

We are sitting ducks in the purest meaning of the word, with no means whatsoever to reply or protect ourselves. All we can do is pray, brace ourselves for more hits, and start rebuilding at once. The country is struggling so hard for reconstruction, and now we have to cope with the yearly damages these raids inflict on us -- AND FOR WHAT?

Dearest sisters and friends, I wrote this because it is the one and only thing I can do to help. I don't know in what way it will help, I don't expect something specific, I only feel I have to do it. Please send us prayers and light, and please please PLEASE forward this on to other people. The more people are aware of what's going on, the more chances we have of this not happening a fifth time. As you can tell, I'm pretty wrecked... I don't know if I'll overcome this trauma. Tonight's first bang keeps playing again and again in my head, and I'm just as terrified every time. Life goes on here, activity was normal today, except for the lack of electricity, and yet... there's something dreadful in the air. I'll stop because I'm scaring myself stiff.

Love and hugs,

Some Gave All

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