KEYBOARD: An instrument used for entering errors into a system
COMPUTER:A device designed to speed and automate errors

HARDWARE: The parts of a computer which can be kicked

"The most important thing in the programming language is the name.
A language will not succeed without a good name. I have recently
invented a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language"
D. E. Knuth, 1967

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The Top 11 Entries in Bill Gates' Diary

11. Invited entire tech-support department to play golf. Brought Melissa to complete the foursome.

10. Steve Jobs started work today. The silverware looks great, but he doesn't do windows -- yet.

9. The baby cries constantly. Maybe I'll buy Fisher-Price.

8. Bought my first Macintosh. It's sooooo cute!

7. Good day. Found over 15 bucks' worth of soda cans in the trash bins outside Microsoft headquarters.

6. Bad day. Ellison sent back the heads of two of the three hitmen I hired, along with a note saying he ate the third one whole.

5. Still ahead of Murdoch and Eisner. Yes!

4. Reminder: 35-cent Snapple coupon expires in two days!

3. Memo to self: Next time, when my wife says we need to buy china, she means dishes.

2. Ran into Demi and Bruce. Upped my offer to a billion dollars.

1. Seventh day: rested.


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It takes 43 muscles to frown, but only 17 muscles to smile. That makes it 2.5 times easier to smile.

This page was released for your viewing pleasure August 20,1998.

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