Guardian Angel

This is my first ever snow pic
A very special one for me to as it is for all children
I dedicate this ~Angelpic~ to my children Nicole, Jason & Brian
May your guardian angel always be close through your life journeys
She will watch over you now that you are grown ~ as I may not always be there when you need me
Love, MOM 11-21-98

The angels of old taking charge of each soul
as they took off and landed on earth
were surprised from above by an angel of love
who was pleading for bless'd mortal birth.

"Your charge is to guard pristinely unmarred
from this lofty and immortal place.
Your time on the planet would be short if we planned it.
so please keep your wings in this space."

"Please give me a chance" begged this angel of light
"to be down there and give it my all.
I'll promise to love as I do from above
to be helpful and honor my call."

The bright angel deferred as the elders conferred
on the fate of this cherub's request,
for to rise in the ranks to guardian
is a calling for only the best.

"Your plea is persuassive, we won't be dissuasive"
Said the wizened old angels in chorus.
"There are some conditions and some prohibitions
that will guide the deeds that you do for us.

Go choose your folks well for its quite hard to sell
this notion of brief mortal life.
Teach them lessons in courage and not to discourage
the bravery and faith in their strife.

Teach them humor and wit and not to omit
the joy of and inquisitive mind.
Teach unconditional love for the Lord God above
favors those who are exceptionally kind.

The lessons you'll learn will be hard but you'll earn
many points here in heaven my child.
For angelic guards, those heavenly bards
must be earth-sent for their wings to be won.

As you play out your part you'll know in your heart
your existence is part of a plan
to serve God and protect and even detect
a hint of our heavenly clan.

For lights of all kinds will be important at times
when no one will understand why.
But you'll know there's a beacon for something you're seeking
just like when you learn how to fly.

On your last day on earth we'll plan your rebirth
to return here to Heaven's abode.
Our instructions are clear, so do not have fear
please listen to what is foretold:

Be courageous to dare to take to the air
one last time so we know where to find you.
Don't be worried at all as you go into your fall
for we will be right there behind you.

And when your stay's done and your earth's treasure won
how will you now comfort your loved ones?"
"I'll stay here to show that life as they know it
does not end as long as the love runs.

I'll thank them from above for their thoughts and their love
for the chance to hug, hold them and kiss them.
They made me real so I could learn, love and feel
and now I'm OK even though I do miss them."

("Through billions of years my spirit's been here.
My life didn't end it just tranformed.
And now I'll send you this verse for better not worse
so you know I'm your guardian angel.")

Angel Blowing Kisses

Someone has been thinking of you
And wanted to brighten your day.
A guardian angel sends messages in many many ways
Just listen with your heart to all the good messages of ~Love and Light~

This page was released for your viewing pleasure 11-21-98

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