Here is a dozen roses
You can give to anyone
That you care about
That you like
Pass them along
To friends that you have
To friends that you want as a friend
Who knows what will happen
If you show love
Others show love
Love grows as does a rose
Love grows and growsWith just a simple dozen roses a rose garden can fill the world with love .. Pass these to a dozen friends and watch the garden grow...
Friendships are a massive garden that allows love to fill the world and our lives....
© KySpirit
This page was released for helping a garden of love to grow
There are now Dozen roses among the worlds GARDEN of LOVE~ ~~LOVE~FRIENDSHIP~ROSES do grow fast~~
The counter turned over 100,000 dozen roses and has started counting again ..Add more to the garden and watch it bloom and grow with friends and family..((HUGS))
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©KySpirit E-mail.
© 1998 ~~KySpirit~~
Updated November 2001
Named to Kentucky(USA) "Who's Who"
Millennium Y2000K Congressional Library Publication
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