The Jennie appeared and said to me
"You have 3 wishes, use them wisely~you get one wish per day."
Now the first day I thought and thought and said only to myself,
"World peace, would be devine, if that could be mine"
The I said to the Jennie "World peace, No more fighting."
Then the Jennie said "Let it be!"
"Let us go see, what you have made be."
The next day, I thought and thought and said to myself,
"No more hunger in this world."
So I found the Jennie and said to him,
"No more hunger in this world, I want it to end!"
The Jennie looked at me and smiled and said "Let it be!"
"Well let us go and see" and out we went To
see whats good ..
Everybodys eating and getting along~
The next day when I awoke ...was eating my milk and honey,
It came to me "No more homelessness!!"
I called out loud for the Jennie to come and told him of my last wish.
I thought I say a tear come to his eye
As he wiped it away! He told me "I was very kind."
He said these words to me,
"Since you've been so kind and loving to such a mean, harsh, world---
--I am giving you one more wish."
This wish was the most hardest and it took me 3 whole
As I lay down to sleep. IT CAME TO ME!!
Everybody is Equal! No matter what!!
I called to the Jennie and told him my very last wish..
He smiled and said "Let it be done!"
He smiled and the tear did drop as he very softly said "This wish
is granted! "
But I must go, and I must see...
Yes I will return, and with that he was gone~
He went all over this world looking for someone as kind
as me.
When he returned .He was aflare!!!
As mad as he could be... I asked him "Why?"
He looked at me with a tear trailing down his cheek and said " Everyone acts so selfishly!!!!"
The moral of this poem/story ~as I see is ~~The More You Give The More Blessed You Are...
Reach Me By Touching the light~~
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