Pic of COUPLE of all times and mother earth...unknown artist..please let me know the artist if u konw so as I can give credit where credit it due

~~ TIME IN LIFE~~ NOW! ~~ ©

Time in life is for sharing and being shared

We live in a world that requires all space to be given freely

Wonderful as love and free as spirit

This time of aquarius all will come to find peace

Tranquility is among the blessing that our inner child can have

Sharing of life,  be it with one another or with our soul mates

This is the time for all to be as one

Share what you have ~ Love what you Share~~

©~~Ky Spirit~~
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KySpirit Dove guide to Spirit Halls

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Enjoy your visit~~Love and Light~~KySpirit~
KySpirit Icq # 7212081

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Copyright © 1999 KySpirit ~ Earth Mother Designs. All Rights Reserved.
(KySpirit) Named to Kentucky (USA) "Who's Who"
Millennium Y2000K Congressional Library Publicatio

This page was released for your pleasure May 26,1998.

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